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So a couple of weeks ago I played a game called Kathy Rain: A Detective is Born.  I liked the look of Kathy, and went looking for some fan art.  To my surprise there was pretty much none.  I'll admit I could have dug harder, but a search of the name on Google, Hentai Foundry, and Deviant Art came up with only one result that I could find.  So right now you may indeed be looking at 50% of the fan art that exists for the character, and maybe the only sexually explicit piece out there.  In all honesty I doubt it's possible that I'm the first one who thought to draw porn of this character and post it online, but it's a fun idea for me to indulge. 

Anyhow the character's obscurity is a bit of shame, as the game (a retro-styled point and click adventure) was a lot of fun if you like that type of thing.  I have a love/hate relationship with adventure games.  On one hand I enjoy how story-driven they all tend to be,  but on the other I despise the nonsensical, moon-logic puzzles that plague the genre.  But Kathy Rain was largely free of such ridiculousness, and as long as I tried to just think like a detective I didn't get stuck.  (Okay maybe once or twice, just who the FUCK would think to try putting an audio cassette into a computer scanner!?)

Unfortunately the game is quite critically acclaimed but lagging in sales.  What's even more of a drag is that it was clearly meant to be the beginning of a series.  So after a month or so I may use this pic the next time I do a Patreon preview at Hentai Foundry. Who knows? It might get a few more gamers to check it out and improve my odds of seeing a sequel.



Bob Fink

She is pretty hot so I can definitely see your attraction to the game ;). And the facial just adds to her hotness!


I had had no idea that this game existed. I'll have to add it to my Wishlist


GOD the way you draw ladies covered with full loads on them... The game looks interesting! I used to love Full Throttle back in the day. Unfortunately, that genre seems to have become way less popular in favor of gigantic "Sandbox Games".


Yeah adventure games will probably always be a niche genre. That's why when a well crafted one comes along I try to check it out. :)


Thanks! I thought as far as female protagonists go she looked pretty unique.