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My thanks to CrazyDorian for the question (which was paraphrased slightly by Holly) and if you have questions of your own for the cast, let me have them!

Elianna has already voiced in the comic how she generally believes anime-haters to be evil human beings until they prove otherwise, but I still wanted to do this strip to really hammer home that Ellie's anti-lewdness crusade can't touch anime fandom as far as her priorities go. Could this be a weakness to be exploited? :O  




I mean, she has a pretty good point...


Isaac: If your step-mom gets so ornery when she doesn't cum, why doesn't she seem to own any toys? Chloe: Have you ever been to one of Jane's parties?


I suppose it would be more appropriate to ask Isaac's step-mom directly, but making the sprites for the strips is work and it seems like you'll get more mileage out of him