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I've still got plenty of reader questions to pull from, (and I could still always use more if you have them,) but I did something a little different today. This strip is more about touching on some ideas I've wanted to get to forever but have yet to find a way to fit them into the comic organically. I mainly wanted to show how flustered Abbey gets around Sylvia, (who single-handedly made her realize she was gay) and also provide a glimpse of how Casey and Abbey might have ended up enemies in the first place back during Switch. Between Abbey's temper and Casey's complete lack of filter, I imagine it's kind of a miracle they ended up friends at all. Though I figure Abbey's extreme attraction to Casey lets her slide on a lot of things that would get anyone else pummeled by goth twins.

In any case I hope everyone's having an alright week. Let me know what you think of this one, I may do more like it if it goes over well. 



frank barry

WHAT?!! Sylvia’s AND Casey’s last name is “Winters?!?!?!?!” Why, oh why, has there NEVER been a “Winter is coming!” joke???????!!!!!!!!!!!

frank barry

Too soon for a 3some?


Casey kept her father's last name, Holland. But that joke would still apply to Sylvia. XD