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TMNT: Shredder's Revenge released recently, and in one of its side quests it introduced or reminded us of the existence of Irma Langenstein, April's romantically-challenged coworker from the 80's cartoon. Conceptually, she's not a character formula you'd likely see in a kids cartoon today. As in "she wants a man but can't get one=lolz." Maybe that's why I gravitated towards frightfully huge dongs on this pic? I felt like this scenario would be her ultimate endgame. XD  

At this stage of my life, I think I need to come to grips with the fact liking TMNT is simply not something I'm going to outgrow. Every time the property gets trotted out with something new, I can never resist the draw to at least check it out. Thought I may have been done when the most recent cartoon, Rise of the TMNT, was released. It looked like a more naked cash grab to sell toys than usual, and it also seemed to bastardize the timeless character group dynamic by throwing Leo's iconic personality out the window. Was not interested, personally. When I grudgingly gave it a go out of morbid curiosity...mumble mumble fucking stunning 2D animation...mumble mumble laughed my ass off routinely. 

So I give up, my TMNT fandom is apparently here to stay. That's fine with me. After all, I'm already a huge man-child in so many other ways that my affection towards cartoon ninja reptiles is just a drop in the bucket, frankly. Hope you guys have a good Monday!  




Hooray! An eighties throwback! I love the breasts chosen- the "Morgan Tier" remains one of the loveliest ones, and this is around there- big enough to be substantial, suckable and more than a handful, but still small enough to be perky and retain a nice shape.


You know, I didn't think about it until you mentioned it. It was kinda strange to have a "man crazy" woman in a male oriented cartoon. All it taught me was that the quiet, nerdy ones tend to be freaks. Thank you, TMNT!