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Just when Casey tasted the first splash of hot semen in her mouth, she slipped to the side and aimed Brad's twitching cock at her mother's waist. Thick white ropes drenched Sylvia's pussy and thighs before she had a chance to react.

Stunned, Sylvia stared down at the warm, wet mess dripping off her pubic hair for a moment before her emotions caught up with her.   And when they did, she reared back and slapped Casey across the face.  She hit her hard, harder than the time she walked in on Casey blowing her dentist when she was fifteen. Tears welled up but Casey just smiled smugly in response, then she licked the blood off her lips and something in her eyes changed instantly.  Sylvia knew that look,  just as she knew that if Brad wasn't here Casey would have her pinned down on the bed by now.

Unsure of what to say or do for once, Sylvia just turned away and stomped toward the bathroom to clean up.   Even as she shut the door behind her she could hear Casey going to work on Brad, throwing him down on the bed and growling at him like an animal.  Where Casey got her bizarre blood fetish was something Sylvia could only guess.  Sylvia turned on the shower, but before she got in she caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom mirror.  Brad had really gotten her good.

As Sylvia listened to her daughter fuck that boy outside the door,  instead of getting into the shower she found herself easing down into the corner of the room. Her fingers slid to her pussy as though she had no control of them, they rubbed the slippery wet come around her clit and pushed it up inside of her.  Then they scooped up more of it from her trembling thighs and brought it, dripping, up to her lips.  Sylvia closed her eyes as she swirled the thick fluid around in her mouth.  How long had it been since she'd tasted any man but Royce?

Sylvia swallowed her mouthful and got to her feet, stepping into the shower.   She didn't know how long she stood there just letting the steamy water run down her body, but it must have been a while.   Casey eventually opened the door, her sweet little face was so wet with milky come it made her hair slick and flat against her temples as she wiped it from her eyes.   Apparently she'd promptly sent Brad on his way.

Casey stepped into the water and asked Sylvia if she was still mad, and she replied that she wasn't.  Casey rested her head against her mother's chest and asked if she'd given any more thought to that idea of a threesome with Royce.

Sylvia found it a little strange that Casey would bring that up again out of the blue just then.  She'd begun to suspect that maybe Casey had a little crush on Royce, and  wasn't sure sharing him was such a good idea if that was the case.  But tonight had shown her just how badly Sylvia missed something different and thrilling in her  sex life.  In fact,  she realized, it was now quite obvious to her that's what sparked this very taboo affair with Casey in the first place.

"Still maybe," said Sylvia.  And Casey smiled because it wasn't a no.

And so ends Casey and Sylvia month! Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.  I'm kind of in love with these two-part stories and will likely try them again in the future.  :)



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