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It's cover time again!  Funny how I always feel like when a cover comes along I'll have an "easy week" as far as the comic is concerned, but I always end up obsessing over it until I've spent about the same amount of time I would have on a full page lol.

So obviously Bria will feature heavily in this chapter and I couldn't be more excited to showcase her again.  Other than short appearances she really hasn't starred since chapter two.  I look forward to having a chance to focus on her character more.

Speaking of Bria, she went over well in the comic's first professional reviews over at Mikandi's website!  When I got the email that the reviews for the first two chapters were up, I'm not going to lie, it took a couple hours and a few shots of cheap Canadian whiskey before I got up the nerve to check them out.  Turned out I needn't have worried. The reviews by Nikky Lee were quite positive.  Granted, she works for a site that sells the comic on their app store, so a harsh, scathing review was pretty unlikely.  But hey, details.  She might not go so easy on the next few chapters so I'm still going to count these early positive scores as a win! Anyhow hope you guys like the cover and Casey and Bria's party night starts next week! :D




Very nice

Michael Wright

Can't wait to see more Bria! Will you post the full chapter soon?


Damn that is hot :)


As fast as I can draw it! The new chapter starts next week. :)


didn't think you'd be so into what anyone thought when you have a black girl covered in chains...


Hmm do you think that's something people are going to pounce on? I wasn't really thinking that way. I just thought it fit because Switch herself has chains all around her and the theme of this chapter is Bria being seduced/ensnared.


The good thing about a positive early review of an ongoing source is that it's likely to stay positive as you grow and your work evolves. So long as you're staying true to the characters and the original feel of the message having a good foundation more often than not ensures positive responses for some time. Obviously there are exceptions but since you're not a hack I wouldn't worry about it!


We've never had a cover counting as a "page" before, aside from the very first one... A whole week for this? Ok


I'm pretty sure the last chapter had a cover page.


Hey thanks! One thing I do know is that good or bad, you never respond to critics. As I understand it, if you thank them for positive reviews they'll feel they went too easy on you and thrash you next time. And if you attack them for negative ones that just breeds animosity. That's why you'll never hear me talk about any reviews outside my relatively tight circle here at Patreon.


I absolutely adore this cover amazing work! Looking forward to seeing Bria and always happy to see casey :D

Bob Fink

So looking forward to this chapter, I really enjoy when Bria is in the story....


Great to hear it because she's in almost every page of the next chapter! :D


Bria looks stunning. Great work Reinbach. ^^I can already see it... The squeal chapter will be called Switch: Dj-Bria Unchained. She'll free Casey from a plantation run by Rocy (Played By Leo} and the crotchety old Mr Fontane (Played by Samual L. Jackson).


Definitely looks like we're going to see a much more sluttier side to Bria we've never seen before. Love the smirk expression on her face as she is covered in cum. Btw, I'm not sure if this has been asked yet but, do the chains around the characters mean anything?


Well Switch herself has chains around her all the time and she's the titular character, but I'll admit that here it's because I want my covers to have a unified look.