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This commission for Jariah Synn was a fun idea, I think. It pits his light side/dark side characters from a game called Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy against each other in a battle to be the "true" main character of the story. Looks like this round goes to the dark side. XD

I missed out on a lot of the classic Star Wars games myself. I never had a decent gaming  PC growing up, so there's half of them gone right there. I even missed out on Knights of the Old Republic when it came out because I figured there was no way this "Xbox" thing was here to stay, and didn't come around until years later. I think the only two Star Wars games I got any real mileage out of were Shadows of the Empire on the old N64, which was a maliciously unfair broken mess of a game, even for the time, and yet I loved it anyway, and the other one was the MMO. I got a LOT of fun out of that one, had a blast playing through the story with my friends at the time.

So what's the best Star Wars game I that passed me by? Let me know if you have any suggestions! 




Good news is that you can get a lot of those old school star wars games now on Steam for dirt cheap.


Jedi Academy is an absolute blast, to the point where the multiplayer scene is still pretty active. KotOR 1 is a classic, of course, but the sequel is a lot better imo. Just be sure to get the restored content mod, and be prepared for lack of polish. Republic commando is just awesome, with ai teammates that are actually helpful, and really great weapons and levels. I had an unhealthy obsession with SW growing up.


Academy is great

Jariah Synn

You think was a fun idea? What?! Lol 😸 Honestly, for canon Jaden is Twi'lek Jaden. If you haven't already I recommend Star Wars Squadrons even though its mostly focused on the multiplayer. The single player is pretty alright story wise. Playing through two campaigns at the same time is pretty fun. The rogue squadron games are also on steam and GoG too if I remember right.


Anybody else a fan of Jack Stauber

Squid Hills

With this purple gal, have you officially done a Star Wars girl of every color in the rainbow?


If you're looking for recommendations, I love Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It's not a perfect game, and it shows how it's not the best optimized, but the underlying mechanics and storytelling are SUPER FUN. I'm a huge fan of it and have already gone back to beat it all a second time once so far. My only gripe is a half-baked swimming mechanic, but it isn't as bad as it is just unwieldy and briefly boring, and there's no underwater combat, it's just a few short parts of exploration near the end of the game. The vast majority of the game is wiping out entire squads of storm troopers with a lightsaber and the Force, fighting duels with "Purge Troopers" wielding specialized electro weapons, taking down giant animals straight out of John Carter and Buck Rogers, and a cool plot thread about the Jedi and the Force. Voice cast is great. I'm a big fan, and it's available on lots of platforms, just RAM intensive on PC.

Walter L.

Definitely KOTOR I and II, though II should be played with the restoration mods. Apart from those Tie Fighter was a lot of fun, if you like flying games, but I guess if you want that, you could just go for Squadrons right now.


I do have Rogue Squadron 2 on Gamecube, I believe. Once I get settled somewhere and get my retro consoles out of storage I want to give it a go.


Hadn't heard of him before a Google search just now. Is he a Youtube singer or does he have a record deal somewhere?


It did look pretty cool from what I saw. I guess I didn't pick it up right away because it had a pretty rough launch, and i was waiting for them to get the bugs patched out. I might see what it's going for now though. :)


Noted! Thanks for the recommendations! I think the original KOTOR just hit the Switch. But if I'm going to play it, I might as well wait and see if they screw up the remake or not. XD