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Here we have a spooky pin up just in time for...just in time for Halloween!....sigh. 

So this is Lydia Deetz, specifically the version from the Beetlejuice cartoon. Fun fact, I almost drew her for Halloween the last two years in a row, as I remember her having a cool hairstyle and makeup that would be fun to draw. 

When I looked up the visuals for reference, though, I was in for a surprise. I remembered the Lydia character in the cartoon being older, as in teens at least, but then I was reminded what she actually looked like in the show: flat as a board and very short. I've aged up some younger characters in the past, but I generally have a line I won't cross when it comes to the source material. 

But this year I said the hell with it, I wanted to paint that hair and make up! So I just made her body extra tall and busty to dispel any possible doubt about this absolutely being intended as an 18+ version of the character. 

Sometimes I like to dig up old cartoons on Youtube and see if they're still fun to watch as an adult. Spoiler alert: not a ton of them are. Not from the era I grew up in, anyway. Batman TAS and The Tick are the rare exceptions I can think of off hand. The Beetlejuice cartoon has a few things going for it, such as a distinct visual style and just pure batshit insanity that's hard to look away from. The voices are good too, the actor for Beetlejuice himself is reminiscent of Micheal Keaton while still making the part his own, and you can't go wrong with VA legend Alyson Court as Lydia. I believe your enjoyment of this cartoon would depend entirely on your appreciation/tolerance for bad puns. Seriously, puns are this entire show. Whole episodes are framed around puns, and it drove me crazy in a hurry. XD

In any case I hope everyone had a good Halloween, and that you like the pin up! 




Oh you drew her so well!

alex baker

Lydia is the og goth waifu for me grew up watching this on fox kids


Nice work! That cartoon was one of the more subversive ones for the time, with a lot of off the wall humor and dark visual gags. Similar to the "Addams Family", it had a "Goths Good; 50s Normal People BAD" thing going on. Nice color palette with the purple highlights- gives it that "Late 80s/early 90s" vibe oddly.


Nice ❤️🖤❤️ 😍😘😘


Did y'all here Elon musk is willing to put down $6 billion on world hunger only asking that the UN be completely open about expenses and opens investigations on allegations on UN representatives


Thanks! I do remember that style of lovable weirdos was all the rage for awhile.