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Before her mind could stop her Gal blurted out, "Do you wanna come back to my place?" Wonder Woman looked taken aback by the sudden question but Gal didn't give her time to formulate a response, "I wanna thank you for saving me. You're my idol and I've always looked up to you! I understand if you don't want to, you probably have more important things to do! I just can't believe you're here in front of me!I've wanted to meet you since I was a teenager, you've always been my biggest inspiration! Oh god I'm talking too much aren't I?"

Wonder Woman's expression softened into a smile and she nodded at Gal, "I'll have a drink with you."



Gal could barely contain her excitement at the though of having drinks with Wonder Woman. Too excited to care if she was being too forward, Gal grabbed Wonder Woman's hand and practically dragged her out of the alley and towards her small home.  She lived less than three minutes away and in no time at all they were standing in the kitchen of her studio apartment and Gal was pouring two glasses of wine. Wonder Woman didn't seem the least bit judgmental or bothered by Gal's meager living arrangements, if anything she seemed intrigued by them. She constantly looked around the room while Gal babbled like a schoolgirl talking to her crush.

"I saw when you and Batman, and Superman, and the Flash, and Shazam, and the Green Lantern fought Darkseid! You looked--I mean you were so brave!"

"That was a good fight!" Wonder Woman said with a smile, "I'm just glad we could save as many people as we did."

"Of course, we would have all died if you hadn't stopped him."

"I wasn't the only one there." Wonder Woman reminded her with a chuckle.

"I know . . ." Gal said sheepishly, "You were . . . I just . . ."


"You were the only one I was watching." Gal admitted in embarrassment.

Wonder Woman looked at her with surprised amusement for a moment before taking another sip of wine. She idly swirled the remaining liquid around in her glass as she stared at Gal for several long, silent seconds. Her face was inscrutable and it was all Gal could do to not stare at her feet. Then, without warning, Wonder Woman turned on her heel and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Gal instantly assumed she'd finally blown it and a sinking feeling of dread and sadness hit her like a freight train. She looked down at her half finished glass despondently. She knew she shouldn't have kept talking, her mother always told her not to talk so much. Of course Wonder Woman wouldn't want to stand there and be talked at for hours on end! She probably had far more important things to do, people to--

"Why don't you join me?"

The soft question stirred Gal from her melodramatic musings and she looked up to see Wonder Woman sitting comfortably on her couch. She was patting the cushion beside her and smiling with an almost sultry glint in her eye. Gal was so exited and nervous she didn't hear the unmistakable arousal in Wonder Woman's voice as her hero spoke. She looked down at her glass with a slightly worried expression, deciding to . . .



Bob Fink

Very well done, I like where this is headed, and really like this format!


Can't wait to see them go to town on each other.