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On to Chapter Seven! :)




Classic aesthetic


oh I’m ready for this

Bob Fink

I love the cover!

Taylored Printers

Now I need to see Bria getting fucked in this XD

Jariah Synn

Cheaty McCheaterson has entered the fray! I'm braced and ready to how this goes.

Vylon Delta

Looks like it’s cold


wish i lost 10 pounds reading a comic, i'd be a skeleton most of the time, but then i can eat whatever i want damn it.

Licorice Lain

I predict that some things will happen.... of the physical variety. Maybe a little sexual contact


A Bria chapter?! YES!!! Cue the fanfare!🎶


Chapter 7, 70's style. :)

Lukas West

If this was a poster or a sticker, I'd definitely buy it :D


Now that's an amazing cover and i'm really looking forward to this!

The Funny Hatter

Someone may have already asked this, so sorry if this is repetitive, but how many chapters will there be for TRW?

A Guy

Oh. Oh my. This cover reminds me of a stash of old 80's era Playboys I once found when I was young, back in the days before the internet could deliver smut to your desktop at a moment's notice. I may have a thing for big hair now. Huh.


I vote for one million chapters! No, one million and one!


Okay, did anyone else hear the song from the 1987 Jazzfit Championships? Or more accurately, from Key & Peele - Aerobics Meltdown - Uncensored?

Squid Hills

"...Lost 10 pounds reading this comic...?" That's some Olympic-level fapping, right there. The cover is also giving me "Saved by the Bell" flashbacks, for some reason.


Finally, Bria

Klaus Ikra

Needs so much more day glow, this cover doesn't make me wanna gouge my eyes out because of the fact it doesn't have colors only art students can see


It's designed to go on as long as I want it to. Character arcs will complete, but from there I can either start new arcs or new characters, just so long as the comic keeps the interest of myself and the audience.


It was a tricky balance to make the colors tacky on purpose without veering into ugly to look at for sure. XD