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Millie is a bit unique among her peers in TRW. She doesn't find sex to be quite as trivial, and has a way of getting attached afterwards. This was probably pretty obvious to anyone who played through her quest in the prequel VN, but I want to show it in the main comic as well.  



Vylon Delta

That was very clever on the bimbo’s part. I hate to see her go, butt I love to watch her leave :)


aw, poor Millie. She stuck it in crazy.

Squid Hills

This just in: Government study confirms that Millie is adorable!

Jariah Synn

Yup saw that coming. 🤣

Bob Fink

Okay so I was wrong and it was Millie who wanted more.

Malcolm Tent

I kind of want to see Royce and Casey double team the nurse. Royce's dick cures crazy and Casey is the only one I can think of who can keep up. Though I want to see you Royce fuck Abby more lol.


Are we ever going to know more about our dear nurse? Like where she runs to when she runs off naked through the school...

Lord Washington

It’s weird how half-right and half-wrong the nurse is. On one hand, yeah, Millie was just after a story, at first. But on the other, once again, the nurse is acting like they’ve been together for years.

Yuu Yi

I hate to see the Nurse go, but I love to watch her leave, and aww Millie, with how determined she is I wouldn't be surprised to see her track the Nurse down again


A naked nurse running through the halls is not the craziest thing seen at Castlewood I'm sure. Also Millie's heart right now: 😞💔

Alex Barton

You draw faces full of expression: the distressed Millie in pp209 should be one of them. But it isn't; it's the hentai style and I wish it wasn't...

Taylored Printers

At this point, I'm starting to think this is the nurse's fetish.


Millie should follow her to see where is she going.


even while naked. <i>especially</i> while naked. that would make quite the story.


The modesty she shows by hiding herself under her blanket is adorable


if she does chase the nurse in one of the comic pages to come, I bet one million trw bucks that Millie will be the one who's caught naked in the (<i>i'm assuming school</i>) halls after some really bad timing with the school bell ringing, and the nurse will be no where to be found. what's more, Millie would be more bummed about losing her story than being perved on by everyone (at least initially).


For sure,in this case I made the stylistic choice of going with an anime style to mask a flaw in the composition that I didn't pick up on until it was too late to start over. Realistically, we should be viewing Millie's mouth from the side, but that made it look like she was staring straight ahead, and the Nurse is sort of behind her. The anime side mouth helps trick the eye into thinking she's looking at an angle, and once I do the mouth I pretty much have to do the eyes that way too. It bailed me out this time, but I'll try not to lean on it too much in the future.


Millie's too modest, but I agree that chase would be quite the spectacle. XD