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In the next few pages if Sylvia were to say, catch Casey doing something relatively minor that she wasn't supposed to, how should she react? Should she be a cool mom about it or come down hard with the discipline? This is one of the rare situations in the narrative where I really feel like I could go either way and be happy, so I'll leave it up to you guys to decide what's in store for Casey!

And just a disclaimer: the outcome will be smutty either way.


How will Sylvia react?

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I voted for 'chill'....unless spanking is on the table.


It might be actually. But I think the chill side is going to be equally good.


Of course it'll be smutty either way lol, you haven't taken leave of your senses just yet!


Well I just wanted to be clear that the discipline option wouldn't be too serious lol.


I think strict would be more interesting but I guess the overwhelming mayority of the voters didn't think so.


Once again it seems I never can predict what people are going to be wildly in favor of lol. Don't worry though, chill should be good too. :)