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Hey remember way back when I hit my last Patreon funding milestone and I said I'd be taking art lessons? Well I have been, I just don't usually think the results of my exercises are worth sharing lol. But recently I've signed up for some very exciting tutorials from an insanely successful artist who goes by Sakimichan. And I think they are going to have a major impact on the quality of my artwork in the coming months.

Now to be clear, on my own I'm not nearly this good yet. As it's much easier to follow along and copy a teacher than it is to remember everything they show you when you're drawing from scratch. But between her tutorials and Reiq's personalized feedback I expect to be powerful enough to shoot lasers out of my eyes by the year 2017. :D




Very cool. Looking forward to watching you continue to improve.


Glad to hear it! It's because of you and everyone here that i can keep working at this every day. :D

Bob Fink

Awesome, you are so very talented! Thanks for sharing.


My pleasure Bob! I've already worked a little of this into my next commission. :)