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In most cases, I use Trimble Sketchup for my backgrounds. When I need a new room for the comic, I either use one of their free community models or cobble one together myself. Purists will argue it's kind of cheating but I swear by it, honestly. On a given page I'd prefer to spend my time making sure I get the faces and anatomy just right, rather than waste hours struggling to draw a curved staircase.

Why bring this up? Because working with stock 3D assets sometimes has unintentional side effects. It wasn't until I finished this page that I realized Miss Holt's desk is huge, more like a boardroom table than a desk for a single person. Too late to change it now, so I guess I'll roll with it. XD




CAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMME! God damn she is a Pixar Mom DUMPTRUCK in that upper panel. Also Shiro teasing Miss Holt is pretty rad. And her nose-scrunching IS adorable and now I want her to be real even more so I can marry her. PS big brown butts are rad and are the best part of TRW, even if she's got the only super-big brown butt in the cast :)


Easy to justify, she got a huge desk so she could be comfortably railed on top of it 😁

Jariah Synn

Hahahaha that last panel! More importantly that first panel... *Wolf whistle* DAAAAAMN!!!!!!


Omgs this is delightful

Alejandro Garcia

I like how confident the guy is without coming off as a little shit. It's kinda wierd, but i think all the hentai ugly dudes made me start to care about the other half of the equation more


I've had a desk about that size a couple of times - perfect for fucking on, trust me.


Thicc Thighs Save Lives. I’m completely for the backgrounds system, if it helps you be more productive. Especially if it makes happy little accidents like this. I have no problems with her desk being conveniently boning size.


I didn't notice the desk size until you pointed it out. But yeah, if I didn't know better I'd say she was compensating for something.

Licorice Lain

Throw my words back at me, will you?!

Bob Fink

I love how he worked his way around that by using her own words against her, but I have a feeling he'll pay for that, but will enjoy paying. XD


That giant desk is about to be put to the test I'm sure 👍. Interesting that Shiro is essentially a mole in these sex parties for Holt...although I'm sure he's enjoying the "assignment". Speaking of which, are we going to see this upcoming Jane party?

The GrandMage

I mean, she needs a desk that large to have a kneehole large enough for her thighs. Mmm. Of course, that conveniently means it's also large enough to fit, say, a whole person down there as well.


I noticed the dimensions of the desk at once on the first page and thought to myself "yes, important person needs a majestic desk" - so i got it, that it was intentional. Sorry. :) As about both of these pages - brilliant as always.


I think I know who his gf is!

Lukas West

Smart boy ;)

Squid Hills

The only thing I can say is that until this page came along, I had no idea how badly I needed to see Ms. Holt naked. So, thanks for that.


That's good because I am legit trying not to make him sound like a jerk here.


Hard to say as of this writing. I have another Jane party lined up for the story, but it will be different from the first one. So what party she's referring to exactly depends on when I can fit what I have planned into the timeline here.