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In honor of Persona 5 Strikers coming out this month, I'm releasing the Persona pics I've done over the years to Twitter in a shameless effort to take advantage of what's popular. I've bundled them here because I figure some of these are so old that a lot of you haven't seen them. And for those who have, you may notice I've gone in and made some tweaks (such as redrawing Anne's face entirely here) on a couple of pieces.  

Hope you guys like the collection! I think I've drawn more Persona fan art than any other major property.  I don't even know if this is all of them honestly, just all I still have on my laptop. 



Jariah Synn

*Ace Attorney voice* SHAME!

The Funny Hatter

I have no idea what this is, but I'm already in all the way.


Amazing, just need more Makoto and sae then it's a masterpiece

Bob Fink

Pretty awesome renders.


Great stuff. My favourite game series of all time, too. Hope you enjoy Strikers if you're getting it :)


Some fan art of Aigis or Elizabeth someday would be stellar too

Squid Hills

I don't know who any of these girls are, but the pictures all look very nice!


It's not that old. Something like "Reinbach 2015" would be.


I will eventually, but may have to wait for now. The Switch is my only console where I'm staying, and word is the load times are pretty bad on that version. May wait until I can get my hands on a PS5.