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Elianna really needs to stop getting her hopes up! XD

Hope you guys like the strip. Up next I'll be adding in either Tenma or Kristina, depends on what questions I get or what idea hits me first. So if you have anything to ask them especially now's the time to do so in the comments! 




Okay, this made me laugh aloud. On some level, I sympathize with Elianna. I understand, now, why she is like this. She pines for a more 'normal' world instead of This Romantic World. She has no respite from it except in her manga. It's everywhere. She could even be considered to be the one normal person in a seemingly bonkers Porno Land. But things aren't as bad as they seem, either. Even as we pruriently enjoy all the sex, there is good mixed in with the questionable. Elianna just can't see that because it's everywhere.

Bob Fink

Typical Elianna response, one day she'll learn to not think there was something really sexual behind a relationship in Romantic World.


Question for tenma. Whats her daily routine as a maid like?

Alex Barton

Wonderful - made me roar with laughter... But really hope Elianna might shed her inhibitions sometime soon - can't help thinking she would be really passionate with the right man or woman (witness her hungry kiss with Tenma)...


Is Elliana lowkey insinuating that Casey and Bria are not a sweet wholesome couple? lol

Squid Hills

Dammit, Ellie.... stop kink-shaming!

alex baker

a question for tenma are hired as a maid or live in sex worker, actually would goldiggers even be considered bad or just the most honest relationship in the switch verse