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Thanks so much for waiting guys! My hand is doing better now, and I'm very thankful to have supporters who were patient with me so I could take the time to get this page looking the way I wanted to without having to rush through it with a hand cramp.

Meanwhile, as for the page itself: It looks like Casey is getting a little reminder of why she was reluctant to have sex with Abbey in the first place. We're getting close to the end of this chapter, and I hope you like where I go with it! :)




S-Tier expressions in this page.


Fortunately, maybe Casey can get one of the other girls in Abby's life to distract her. But my god, Abby is off kilter. I can't tell if it's exactly the same way Casey was, or worse. For all that Casey put other people through, she seemed to be more aware of her own bullshit. But maybe that was Switch's influence.


Awwwwww she's crying tears of joy. That's cute


Aww, Abby's nuts but cute.


I want them to be a couple

Bob Fink

Looks like the sex was perfect as they did cum at the same time, but the problem being the Abbey can become clingy when she finally gets what she's been desiring. ;D


Ummm. Best sex ever. Sorry abbey but caseys probably had wilder sex at couples therapy earlier that day... poor abbey seems to be getting attached quick.


I must say, I very much enjoy the way breasts look in your art. Especially in this panel they look like they move realistically. In other's art they just look solid globes. This is why I love supporting your art 😁

Licorice Lain

Casey, just admit it. You had a good nutt.

frank barry

So glad your hand is doing better!


Her face in the second to last panel is so adorable. I'm rooting for her tbh


abbey wearing her heart on her sleeve. next she'll be talking about moving in together, and then marriage and kids, and then she'll plan out the next 25 years... ...she's so afraid to screw things up, so she'll carefully think about everything way before it's time... <b>...she just wants to be received and loved back fully!</b> btw i love abbey content. it would be SO cool if there were posts about individual personalities and characteristics- like a stats page. imagine an info-graphic, like you'd see in a concept design art book, pointing out all the ideas and quirks that went in to the design of a character.

Jariah Synn

I wonder what Bria will think with this new challenger 😏

alex baker

This chapter is definitely juicy


Another nice page! Very interested in seeing where this goes.


So glad you're feeling better! This page is gorgeous. Thanks always for your dedication to good art

Alex Barton

Can't help wondering if Abbey is in for heartache falling so hard for Casey: there's no doubt who's in charge emotionally and I don't see it ending well for our little lovebird. Now if Abbey had fallen for sweetly submissive Courtney she would have had massive breasts to cuddle *and* she would have been in control... =)


Hmmm she's getting even more clingy, that will lead to some drama. Especially if she finds out Casey is in a relationship with her former stepdad...and Bria.


I think she knows about the latter already; the two of them are openly making out in the hallway in the game


I do have something kind of along those lines in the works for the TRW website. I'll keep you posted on that.


Damn- forgot to check this out and comment on it- GREAT job on Abbey's hair. You've somehow leveled up yet again with big, flowing, chunky "Hair Porn". Also the boobs in the lower left panel are a PERFECT showing of gravity