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So here's an example of another style that relies on line work a little bit more. The change being that instead of using a pen tool I'm using a pencil. It's subtle but this gives me a little more control over my lines, allowing some to all but disappear just by pressing a little lighter on the stylus. Personally I like how it looks and this will likely be how I draw Switch starting in chapter six. This is also my new way of painting hair and I'm kind of in love with it.

As for the girls here, I'm quite split in my fandom.  I'm a huge fan of Claire from the Resident Evil series, so much so that I was disappointed when her longtime voice actress, Alyson Court, failed to reprise the role in the recent Revelations 2. It was a drag but I saw Capcom's point of view in this case, (a rare anomaly I assure you.) The latest game sought to portray an older, battle hardened Claire.  And despite being an accomplished veteran actress who's been working since the eighties, Court still sounds a lot like a spunky twelve year old in every role I know her from.

Conversely I don't really know much about Juli here, from the RE spiritual successor game The Evil Within. I really wanted to like that game so I gave it a rent last year. It didn't grab me for one big reason: to me horror games are all about atmosphere, soaking in the surroundings and putting together the little stories that the environments present. In Evil Within, at least in my short experience, this sort of immersion was impossible because I reached a point where the enemies seemed to be piling out of nowhere to an infinite degree as I explored, and while they seemed endless my ammo supply sure as hell wasn't. This imposed a sort of time limit on the game that made you have to keep moving.  This would be a lot more acceptable if it was always clear where to go next, which it wasn't.  Few things are as irritating as wandering around stuck while a clown-car train of enemies keep whittling away your limited resources as you search around the same area.  I keep hearing the game is great from friends and reviewers alike, so there's a chance that my penchant for guzzling Canadian whiskey whenever I get my hands on an exciting new game affected the experience in a negative way.  It's unlikely, but not impossible.



Bob Fink

I do like the affect you're getting with the line process and I'm glad you have decided to use it for the next chapter of switch.

Walter L.

It's impressive. I mean, I like your art anyway, but this style seems to enable you to accentuate your work in a new way.


Thanks! I've always been more comfortable sketching than inking, and this style suits that well I think.


I know I'm late to the party on this one but I just needed to say, this picture is fucking awesome. you did an amazing job with Claire. This is honestly one of my new favorites.