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My SFW portfolio is slowly expanding, and this is a good thing for me socially. Because when new people I meet ask me what I do and I tell them I'm an artist, about half the time they want to see my art.  Now, I love what I do and I'm proud of my work, but not everyone I meet socially is the type of person that you offer a link to your website full of shockingly graphic erotic artwork.  So I figure I'll just keep hoarding SFW jobs as they come along until I have enough to fill a sort of "Reinbach Lite" website that will be what I hand out to curious acquaintances when they ask.

But anyway, this picture. It's going to be the cover of a compilation of stories in the  Elf Slave series of novels by Sarah Hawke.

I left some space at the top for where the title is going to be. I'd have done it myself but when it comes down to it I'm no graphic designer. The fact that manic scribbles just happen to fit the content for Switch's logo are just a happy coincidence for me. The next comic project I do? I'm going to have to hire someone to make the logo for me.



Bob Fink

This is awesome! Very well done, are you going to get to do and renders for the inside of the book or does she not do illustrated books?


It's a series of written novels actually. So I don't believe I'll be needed in the book itself but There may be more covers on the way.

Bob Fink

Very cool, I hope so, I'd love to a NSFW of this Elf ;-)


She looks pretty awesome. What is that in her hands? a spell? I guess having more SFW art to show people who ask, would be better socially. Could also expand the amount of people wanting a commission. Have you thought about creating and posting your SFW art at DeviantArt?


I've considered going back to Deviant Art, if I'm reluctant it's because I kinda got my ass kicked last time I was there lol.


Deviant art sucks.


It has it's ups and downs, but since it covers absolutely every kind of art there are so many zillions of artists there that it's hard to stand out. The focus on porn at Hentai Foundry really narrows the field and I prefer that.