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Another pic of the lovely Ely Dikkers. I normally have a policy of not posting SFW at Hentai Foundry but this one has me thinking I should be flexible on that rule.

Hey this is off-topic but you know who I feel bad for this holiday season? People who don't like Star Wars. And by that I don't mean people who are "indifferent," or "prefer Star Trek," I mean people who actively hate Star Wars for whatever reason. Because if you hate Star Wars and you live in America, your life is no doubt a symphony of pain and suffering because that brand is positively everywhere right now.

I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan and even I think the current state of omnipresent marketing and merchandising is a bit much. I went to Shopko to do some Christmas shopping the other day, and on the front of the building they had this big banner that just said "We have Star Wars!" Walking in I thought it strange that it was such a broad, unspecific statement. But upon entering the store it was quickly apparent that they weren't kidding. Virtually every product they stocked had a variation available with Star Wars characters on it. I've never seen anything like it, I was walking through the aisles just kind of amazed at how it seemed like I was in a themed store. If I had seen a box of condoms with Darth Vader's face on them I really don't think I would have blinked.




Merchandising, merchandising, merchandising... This year, Spaceballs has passed from parody to prescience. And I say that as a Star Wars fan who liked The Force Awakens. It's really crazy out there. Oh and cute girl is cute. Feel free to post as many cute girl pics as you feel moved, not everything needs to be pron.


There has to be something wrong with you to hate star wars.


i like lord of the rings, star wars AND star trek. man, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!!! :X xD but jeah, the merch everywhere is a little bit silly, but they have to do what they have to do, money, that is ALL! :D and yes, dont be shy posting SFW things :) edit: aaaaand its done! have a new phone pic :D thx ^^


Awesome! And I like Star Wars, LOTR, and Star Trek as well. I recently rewatched the entire series of Next Generation. (I like to have something on in a small window when I draw so I go through TV shows like candy.)


I'll admit I can't see the logic behind outright malice at the series. XD


Well said about Star Wars and thanks on the picture. This is one of the cuter faces I've drawn in a while I think, I'll have to remember what I did here.


hehe, im through with voyager, the "newest" (the NX-01 stuff), and the middle (picard) enterprise, DS9. now im watching TOS, man, those "uniforms" for the female crew :D <a href="http://pre04.deviantart.net/5226/th/pre/i/2012/191/b/6/helen_noel_in_uniform_by_thenulator-d56qbqv.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pre04.deviantart.net/5226/th/pre/i/2012/191/b/6/helen_noel_in_uniform_by_thenulator-d56qbqv.jpg</a> commission this guys! need a girl with red TOS uniform! no more star wars! :) and every episode they have to make a move on the next girl, its like a flirting simulator, but i cant blame them xD and its nice to see things in TOS you saw used in TNG and the new old :) but, after TOS... i think i have to restart Stargate, again :X ^^

Bob Fink

Love this render, she's so sexy, but the question comes to mind, in that milk or cum?


Well the client's vision had it being milk, but art is often left open to interpretation. :D


this is really beautiful i love it, needs some mistletoe tho XD as for "starwars" i only like the original, got dragged to watch the revamped digitally enhanced crap but that's where i draw the line, i ignored the prequels. The 'starwars' crap has gotten out of control, i hear it disguised as a traffic report on the radio to work, i heard some news chick in the UK was dropping 'starwars' word play in her weather report. I mean come on. I feel sorry for harrison ford dragged out of retirement for this crap. Peter (Han Solo): "Hi, I'm Han Solo. I'm Captain of the Millenium Falcon, and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by appearing in this movie."


Lol he was the only one who stayed famous wasn't he? Mark Hamill went on to be quite an amazing voice actor but it's not quite the same as being a major movie star.


yes mark is an amazing voice actor especially 'the joker', so much so 'robot chicken' hired him for their joker skits :) On youtube there are behind the scenes on how he preps for the joker role when his in his car driving to work its really funny. He was also great as a special guest many years ago on a episode of 'the outer limits' sad ending tho :(