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Just to be clear, I'll still post Monday's pin up and still be working on commissions. But I've decided that twice a year, once in June and once in December, I need a week off from whatever comic I'm working on. This gives me a chance to tweak the look of the comic and just take a step back and analyze it a bit, see what's working and what isn't. Though I'll still have a special Christmas Switch Pin up to post next Thursday. :)



Bob Fink

Have a great vacation, you deserve it!


Thanks! I think I'm going to see if I still have what it takes to beat Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. I miss the days when it was ok for a Zelda game to be difficult.


have fun! and thanks for all the great work you've created :) tis the season to get drunky fa la la la la, lalala la!! p.s go to the beach, you might get lucky and see casey and bria takin it from behind XD


lol i forgot its winter there, so no beach vacation for you. Its summer here :)


Can I ask where the inspiration for this suit of armor persona came from? Cause I totally love the Reinbach armor guy and I wish you'd do more with it


Well when I set out to make my avatar I had the name before anything else. And with a tough sounding name like Reinbach a mean looking little stone golem came to mind. But then I got the idea that it would be a funny contrast to dress my guy like a beach bum with a Hawaiian shirt. Anyhow I'm glad you like him and maybe I'll start trying to work in more little sketches like this one.