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And from this point on I will now draw nothing but lizard porn! It's an obscure niche I'll admit but I think I can make it work.

Okay I'm kidding. And I'm aware that I recently responded to a comment on this site saying "I like my ladies to be of the fully humanoid variety." And that's still largely true. But when a repeat client asked for a SFW commission of their Skyrim character in a moment of quiet contemplation, it just seemed like a good challenge and a fun change of pace so I took it on.

And the reason I'm posting two images in one night is because I'm still working double overtime to recover from the time I lost from the mini-tornado that knocked out the power in my entire town. As of now I've got five commissions I've been paid for that I'm working on simultaneously. Next up I've got a sexy Warcraft orc and a hot comic page for those of you like me who are playing Fallout 4. :)




Like the colors in this one and the over all look. Nothing like relaxing and looking over an interesting mask (thought it was one of the Dragon Priest's mask at first).


Glad you like it but I wouldn't know about the mask. I never made it that far into Skyrim I'm afraid. Not that I didn't like it but for some reason my computer kept randomly crashing when I'd play it. That's why I got Fallout 4 on the Xbox One. I just don't trust Bethesda on computers lol.