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EDIT: Initially I had Switch laughing at Casey's insincerity in panel three. But I thought about it and decided that hysterical laughter doesn't really fit its personality. A sarcastic jab fits much better I think.

Also I moved Casey's hands to make her pose look more natural and moved Bria's shoulder in the last panel.

Hey fun fact, about two hours ago I was all set to post this page when I encountered a nightmare scenario for any artist: noticing a fundamental flaw in the work at the last possible second. Yep, all the painting, highlights, and little touches had been completed on all their various Photoshop layers, and I noticed that the perspective was off in panel two. Admittedly, it was very subtle and probably could have passed unnoticed. But when it comes to this comic, (as well as all of my work) I can never bring myself to post anything with a flaw that I know about, even a small one. It took some serious reworking to fix it but I think it was worth the effort.

As for the page itself, I like to think Casey is going through some serious mixed emotions here. On one hand, she genuinely cares about Bria and doesn't like seeing her in pain. On the other hand, it's all she can do not to get up and dance at the idea that both Warren and Jonah are now out of the way. 




I hope some day you do a flashback picture of warren walking in on her.


I just might. Bria is going to get a chapter or two of her own once this first book is done.


"Bria, I want you to know that i'm here for you and all your problems can be solved in the next 90 minutes by my tongue."


Another great page reinbach, I agree with you about the sarcasm fitting in better for switch.


You did a great job man.


Hey thanks! A lot of mistakes popped up on this page so it took me almost twice as long as it normally does to finish. Glad to know the effort paid off. :D


Thanks, and yeah sometimes I just don't catch stuff like that until after I've clicked "post." I hate it when that happens. ><