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As I understand it Star Wars: The Old Republic has had something of a resurgence with its most recent expansion. I played it myself for quite awhile a few years back, but I lost interest when my dungeon group fell apart. I was reluctant to play with strangers because they always whined at me for not skipping the dialog! Anyhow its revival inspired a buddy of mine to commission this pic of his Jedi and Sith characters getting it on at their home base. And I'll be using it to announce the couple's sale at Hentai Foundry here soon enough.




Yes, its hard for new players that want to listen to the story in group flashpoints because most people keep saying to press the "space-bar" to skip the cutscenes so, they end up missing out on alot of back story if they're really into wanting to know it. I like that the two characters in this pic are on different sides yet they're still "enjoying" their time together. The fact that the Jedi looks relaxed and submissive compared to the Sith that looks like she's in control, says quite a bit about their class types. Looks like they might be in one of the new places you can buy on Dromund Kaas as well. Just got back into SWTOR and leveling up to play in the new expansion.


Well you like the same things as the friend of mine who hired me, because what you described is pretty much exactly what he requested as to how these two should be regarding each other. And you're right about where they are as well :)