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It all happened so fast!

Slizz stood up, started sucking in quick breaths, and then pulled out a baby. Oblivious to Isaac's girlish shriek of horror at what had just happened, she handed him the child and was gone, oozing away through cracks in the cave where Isaac couldn't possibly follow her. 

Isaac felt used! Here he thought he and Slizz had a connection, but in the end she was just buttering him up for mating season. And now he was stuck here with this creepy little offspring and...and....

As Isaac looked down into the vapid, expressionless face of the child, he felt his anger and frustration fade away. This certainly wasn't a situation he ever would have agreed to willingly, but there was no going back at this point. Isaac was now a father, and this small creature was his responsibility. He would need a name, something worthy of the legacy of Isaac's knightly forefathers. 

Isaac named him Blobbo. He then sat down on the beach with his son, and they discussed what they should do next. 



Jariah Synn

Whelp, on to next girl. XD

Klaus Ikra

Is it a boy tho? Do slims even have genders in reality :thinking:


Damn.... Slizz just hit it and quit it! At the least, I think Isaac has inherited his own version of Baby Yoda. This is The Way Indeed.....

Bob Fink

Now he's a baby daddy, this should make things interesting.


BAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH OMG. Did not expect to find THIS in my inbox this morning, lol! The hilarity of Blobbo (complete with cute eyebrow) makes up for the obvious grievance of not seeing a beautiful, full-bellied pregnant Slizz :).