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When Isaac awoke from his much-needed slumber the following morning, the seaside cave around him presented a couple of surprises. 

Firstly, the slippery rocks from the night before were revealed to be covered with purple slime. It was splattered about the walls of the cave, and painted various trails along the stone floor. 

More to Isaac's interest, however, was the pile of apples nestled in the corner of the cave. They weren't there last night, he was sure of it. Not one to question his good fortune, Isaac ate them eagerly. Though he was now fully rested and sated, he knew his troubles were far from over. He was naked and penniless on a beach in the middle of nowhere. And the thought of stomping off in a random direction without so much as a pair of boots to garb his feet was not at all appealing. 

Before Isaac had long to think on the matter, he heard a bubbling, squelching sound from behind him. A shudder ran down his spine. He was not alone in the cave!

Isaac spun to see what, at first, looked to be a tall and beautiful naked woman. But the way the morning sunlight graced her body quickly revealed her otherworldly nature. She was entirely made of the same purple ooze that dappled the cave. Isaac had heard of slime creatures in his travels, but never imagined they would be so nice to look at.

Unsure of how to deal with such a being, Isaac tensed for a possible attack. But after a few moments he lowered his guard. The slime then started to talk, but unfortunately it was a language Isaac couldn't possibly comprehend.  Isaac pointed to himself and spoke his name, and the creature copied him. She called herself "Slizz." 

In the coming days, Isaac was made to feel at home in the seaside cave with Slizz, who he grew to find quite charming. She was kind and helpful, bringing him assorted fruits and berries daily. She even put together a set of clothes for him, gathered from wherever she could find them. His boots didn't match and had holes in them, and his pants were little more than a tarp tied with rope, but it was certainly better than nothing. As the days went by, Isaac was beginning to pick up a bit of her language, and was able to communicate with her on a basic level. 

A month passed, and Isaac came to realize that Slizz was the perfect bride he'd been searching for. She was fun in conversation, she brought him food, and she was completely naked at all times. If there was a better woman to marry under the sky, he couldn't imagine one. It was time to ask for her gooey hand. 

Despite Isaac's progress learning Slizz's tongue, asking her to marry him proved a difficult affair, as marriage was a human concept that was alien to her. When she finally seemed to grasp the idea at last, her response was: "Nawdawg."

Isaac didn't know what the word meant, but he knew enough to recognize it was a dismissal. Slizz explained that marriage wasn't for her, but when she went on to try and tell him why she had declined his proposal, she stopped making sense once more. She said it was humping season? And she wanted a...a bun in the oven? And that she wanted to get knocked upward somehow? It was frustrating, being rejected but unable to understand why.

Isaac was immediately comforted when Slizz pressed herself against him and began sliding her wet breasts up and down his chest. In all the time they'd spent together, she had never once made such an advance. If this was how slimes turned a man down, he could live with it.    

Slizz wasn't gentle. She threw Isaac down on the floor of the cave and plunged her slick body onto him with a strength that was both intensely arousing and a little scary. When they were finished, he would have marks to show for it, but the pleasure was worth the pain as far as he was concerned. 

After Isaac had expelled the last drop of semen he could possibly produce inside of Slizz's body, the two of them cuddled up in the cave, watching the sun go down over the beach. Isaac tried to talk to Slizz, but she appeared sullen, snappy even. When Isaac asked her what was wrong, she had this to say:

"Sorry dude. I get moody when I'm pregnant."

Isaac asked her if she could repeat that for him.

to be continued! 

