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Thanks for waiting gang! And thank you as well to everyone who commented on my post that I was running behind schedule. :)

So this wrecked elf is Deedlit from a classic anime called Record of Lodoss War, which was the second anime I ever saw in my life. (The first being Project A-Ko.) Lodoss War was pretty much "Dungeons and Dragons: The Anime." The party was as classic as could be: fighter, mage, cleric, thief, elf, and dwarf. And it was awesome, still is, I'm sure, But I haven't thought about Lodoss War in quite sometime, until about a week ago that is. 

Deedlit in Wonder Labryinth was released to early access on Steam last month, and hoooooly crap is it amazing. To be clear, it's not the full game, you're paying for what's basically a 40-minute demo as of this writing. But man that was the funnest 40 minutes I've had with a single player game this year. 

The best way I can put it is that Deedlit is simply a blast to control. Early on you acquire the power to fly horizontally, combine this with the ability to whip out a bow and rapid-fire arrows in multiple directions, and Deedlit feels like a flying Legolas god of death. 

Is this starting to sound like a commercial? Don't worry, nobody's sponsoring me here. I just had a lot of fun with this thing and wanted to spread the word. If you're interested you can find the game's Steam page here. If not, hope you like the pin up all the same! And if you're familiar with Lodoss War and it's many incarnations I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments. :)




Gorgeous, absolutely perfect breasts there, my man! WOW those are lovely- like a bit more "oblong" than the ones you normally draw at this size, and they look great on her more slender body type. I also love her tired, lusty expression and how her hair looks.

Bob Fink

Deedlit is so beautiful and very well done both renders are so hot!


Nice. Looks like Parn finally got the heros reward.

Lord Washington

I don’t care when these come. I just appreciate how seriously you take your schedule and how you actively keep us up to date when there’s delays. It’s more than can be said than many artists I’ve known in the past, and you should be proud of that