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Hey guys this month's pic for KainReso072 is fully canonical (though that cum-covered alt is NOT canon, it's just for fun.) This takes place before the comic and even before the visual novel. Hope you like it! :)

Abbey was sick of everyone treating her like a kid. All over school, all she ever heard about the other girls was how "sexy" and "hot" and "fuckable" they were. But all she ever heard about herself was that she was "cute" and "adorable" and "had child-like ears."   

Compounding her unfortunate reputation was that she'd recently had to quit the school's cheer leading team. She told everyone she'd quit because of the lewd dance routines that had become the norm since Jane took over as captain, but in truth Abbey was fine with the sexy routines. A little too fine with them in fact. She would get so distracted by the gyrating bodies of her female squad mates that she was screwing up the choreography, with her lack of focus often resulting in someone taking a blow to the head. But as far as her classmates were concerned, poor little Abbey quit because the cheer squad was too grown up for her.   

Something had to be done. During a free period at school, Abbey sat at her desk started to scheme. She didn't last very long, as the hot girls sitting behind her were impossible for her not to pay attention to. 

Holly and Bria were going on and on about this new place that just opened up in town. Supposedly it was half fast food joint, half Japanese maid cafe. Word was some pervy local entrepreneur had inherited a fortune and opened it up as a passion project a couple months back. Abbey did her best to tune them out, but the conversation turned to something that caught her interest.

Holly said that the waitresses wore the sexiest uniforms at this new place, and Bria agreed with enthusiasm. They were saying that any girl in these uniforms would look hot as hell, and they were jealous of the workers there who got to wear them.  Abbey realized she'd found the answer to her problem.   

 If she got a job at this restaurant, Kitty Burger, she'd have an excuse to put on tight sexy clothes every day, and show herself off to anyone who came into the restaurant. She'd show everyone that she wasn't a kid anymore, that Abbey McKay was just as hot and fuckable as any other girl in school, more so even!   

As luck would have it, Abbey's friend Kristina was already working at Kitty Burger. She got Abbey in to see the owner, Mr. Cole, that same day. Upon seeing Kristina in the infamous uniform, Abbey understood what all the fuss was about. You could pretty much wad the entire outfit into a ball and fit it in your pocket. It was all Abbey could do to keep her eyes off her friend's perfect tits as she explained what to expect during the interview.   

Abbey stepped into Mr. Cole's office, now wearing a uniform of her own. She thought it strange they would give her one before she even interviewed, but apparently how you looked in it was a big factor in getting hired.   

The interview tested Abbey's resolve repeatedly. Mr. Cole was polite and respectful, but his hiring process involved asking her to twirl, bend over, and stretch into various yoga poses for his consideration. He never even asked if she had or would be willing to get a food handler's card, it was all stretching and posing for fifteen straight minutes.   

Finally, Mr. Cole asked Abbey to pull down her top and show him her breasts. Abbey was stunned, incredulous at how this porky little man had asked for something like that so casually. But strangely, she found her hands moving to comply.   

This was her chance to prove a point. She was a legal adult, and it was time for people to start treating her like one. This gross old guy wanted to see her breasts? Fine. She pulled down her top and showed him the best pair of tits he'd ever see in his sad pathetic life.   

To no small amount of satisfaction for Abbey, Mr. Cole was drooling, and he hired her on the spot. Because of course he fucking did. Abbey wasn't cute anymore, she was sexy as hell, and anyone who walked into this place from here on out was going to know it.




I luv her!♥️


I love the expresion!!


It's an interesting counterpoint. She's showing her tits, but she's belligerent not because she doesn't want to show them. She wants to, and you'd better fucking appreciate them, mister!


Glad you find it interesting! I was pretty happy with the idea. :)


The lore is real! (I kinda want the cumshot to be a thing, but ONLY because Abbey allowed it!)


Th freckles though -swoon-

Licorice Lain

You know me and how much I love cummy lesbo alts. ;P

alex baker

i really hope to see her with some dick at some point if casey has to be involved for it even better


Aww, but she looks so cute in that picture...

Bob Fink

I've always found Abbey to be very sexy, and I'm sure would be a firecracker in bed. :D


haha, your "Naked Disapproving Girl" skills are on point, yet again. Great proportions on her, and nice to see you elevate her now that it's her turn for some focus in TRW.


Does this mean you're doing commissions again?


I think Abbey is now my favourite. I'd love the to see how far Mr Cole got Courtney to go in her interview...

Lord Washington

After reading this, it seems to me that Abbey may be a lesbian but she doesn’t mind it when men desire her. She maybe even find it gratifying. A ray of hope for an unnamed guy who’s crushing on her XD

Matthew Cronin

Does her bell look like a penis in purpose or is that a coincidence


For sure. Abbey prefers girls, but I'm sure she'll catch some stray dicks along her journey. XD


It's been a long time coming if you ask me. I had all this stuff planned for her that there just wasn't room for during Switch. It's nice to finally get to it now.


No, Kain is grandfathered in at the $60 tier, where I used to offer commissions to anyone who pledged on that level. This quickly became more work than I could handle, and as $60 supporters dropped their pledges over time, I began closing down the tier. Kaldonis and KainReso are the only ones left, and when they drop, I'll likely close the tier and try to think of something else.


For sure! I don't think of Abbey as being totally adverse to men, she just prefers girls 100% more if she has the option.


I didn't plan it that way at first. As I was going for just that traditional that you'd see on a collar. But once I noticed it, I decided it looking like a cock was fitting, and kept it in. XD


i love that scowl on her face

frank barry

love the story


Is this the only canon shot we have of naked Abbey? I love her