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I confess that the money shot page is my favorite page of any given chapter. I regret nothing!

High fives all around for reaching my second milestone goal today! As promised I'll be getting going on some paid classes to improve my art. I'm still shopping around but I'll let you know what I pick and hopefully the results will show up in my art before you know it!

And one last thing, I was snooping around another HF artist named the Real Shadman's profile and I noticed he sells prints and merchandise. The thought of that never really occurred to me, because I was under the impression that most don't care to advertise their interest in porn. But if you're up for it let me know in the comments what you'd think of a Switch mouse pad or high quality print.



Bryan Allen

"Oh my god..." Was my reaction to this...this is fantastic!


Sweet! Always great to get positive feedback. I'll do my best to keep improving from here. :)


You're gonna make him be a jerk, aren't you?


Well he is banging one of his students. Not that I REALLY blame him, but...


I love panel #2, by the way. I don't normally buy porn merch, sex toys occasionally but that's all. I have to keep this hobby on the DL as much as possible.


Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, this could be my favorite page yet. Awesome job.


You have a good reason to like this, it came out quite well! And I think some tasteful, sexy but not totally pornographic merchandise would sell pretty well. Something that implies naughtiness without being outright explicit if you get what I mean. I've bought a few of Shad's prints and they were worth the money.


Hey thanks I'll keep that in mind. I was thinking a mouse pad of each of the ladies just barely covered up , not quite naked.


Sure I figure a lot of people think that way. I figure whatever I make would have the girls covered up, no outright nudity or explicit stuff.


Great new page! Thank you for sharing. I've been catching up on your comic over the last week. Really great stuff. I'm also glad that she didn't waste it and she tasted it. ;)


Another great page, always look forward to seeing new pages of Switch come out. I've seen some of Shadman's SR prints as well as Taboolicious SR prints as well <a href="http://sharkrobot.com/collections/taboolicious," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sharkrobot.com/collections/taboolicious,</a> think they are the only ones that sell NSFW on there. I'd def think of buying some prints of some of the Switch girls or any others you have an idea of making.


the third panel on the wall, why not :D who has no interest in porn? seriously, thats like denying to be into breathing air to survive... xD i think hes more of a "I made the right decision to choose you as my cumdump (or something like that)" -guy ^^ titpads? like those manga/hentai things with "actual" breasts sticking out? i personaly am more of a hang things on wall guy, but ontop of that, not realy have any money at all to throw on you all (WJ e.g....) to get something like that xD but to have the option if that changes, would be great! :)


Sure thing! I'm thinking I might go with one of those order on demand services. That way the merchandise is there if people want it. I won't make as much money off it, but at least that way I won't be sitting in a house with 500 mouse pads just waiting for someone to order them.


Awesome! Nice to know I'm holding the interest of a longtime supporter. And the Switch prints would certainly be be sexy but nudity free. I may be going with this exact website.


Glad you like it! And contrary to what she might say on the next page, Casey loves to swallow come. So that will happen at every opportunity.


Good job.