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Talk about worlds colliding! Guess she's just got a thing for guys in red and blue costumes lol.

I pushed myself a bit on this one. The pose and angle here were tricky to get looking right, even though I had a reference photo of a similar pose.

Also a daytime indoor color scheme is pretty hard for me but I tried something new here and I like how it came out. I thought green would look nice with the blue and red. Going to try to keep mixing it up and discover new color schemes as I go.




Love her nightie, very cute. It looks a bit like her eyes are all whites until I zoomed in.


Noted! I gave it a second look and decided that her eyeballs could be a bit more prominent so made the tweaks.

Bob Fink

Awesome render, love seeing her on top!


I love how this commission turned out. You can tell you put a lot of hard work and love into it. :)