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As Isaac jumped naked save for his helm and scarf off of Millie's balcony, he heard Sir Kallen call out behind him:

"You'll never be free of me, weasel man! I'll not rest until your head is on my mantle!"

Isaac smirked, he had escaped. Sure, now that it came down to it, this tower was a lot higher up than he first gauged. But it was nothing but deep and rolling waves beneath him, landing in water couldn't possibly hurt, right?

When Isaac regained consciousness he was flailing and gasping in the sea,  and every inch of him was in pain. He could still see the shore, but he knew that Kallen's knights would be waiting for him there if he was foolish enough to return.  

Splashing and helpless in the water, Isaac would have soon given in to grief. But his luck had not run out yet! He spotted what looked to be a decent sized chunk of driftwood floating in the distance, and he swam for it with all the strength he had. 

Isaac clung to his makeshift raft and kicked his legs for hours. He kept the shoreline in sight as best he could, but he was now faced with steep cliffs and nowhere to safely come ashore. To make matters worse, he was beginning to tire. His limbs started to feel heavy, and he was staving off bouts of dizziness as he struggled to keep his eyes open. His attempts to remove his helmet proved fruitless, as he needed both hands to undo the straps securing it to his head. He caught himself falling asleep and slipping off the raft with increasing frequency. 

Isaac dreamed of Princess Chloe, now his loving and lusty wife. She was on her knees and pleasing him orally. It felt good, really good, this was better than any dream Isaac had ever had-

Isaac snapped awake. That was no dream, something was on his dick underwater! He frantically attempted to discover what had latched on to his penis, but couldn't see beneath his raft without letting go of it. He caught only a glimpse of what looked like a fin or a flipper down below.

Isaac realized in horror that a fish must be biting on his penis! But the sensation wasn't unpleasant, in fact, it was incredible. This small creature wriggling on his erect cock was somehow creating the best blowjob Isaac had ever experienced. 

When Isaac came, exhaustion claimed him at last. As his consciousness faded and he slipped beneath the waves, he thought he saw a beautiful woman. She caught him as he slid off his raft, and then darkness.

Dusk was falling when Isaac awoke. He stroked his arms instinctively in a panic, but found only sand. He was on a beach, he'd survived the water. 

As Isaac got to his feet, he tried to remember what had happened before he'd passed out. Surely he'd have drowned without help, but who could have possibly been his rescuer? Wasn't there someone? Someone who caught him as he fell? Isaac strained his mind as best he could, and suddenly it all came back to him in perfect clarity:

He had fucked a fish. Likely fucked a fish to death, in fact, as he remembered being shaft deep in the poor thing at one point. It was a secret shame he would carry for the rest of his days, and a newfound fetish he would have to repress with great effort. For that fish had been amazing. 

Shaking his head as if to clear it, Isaac stifled his feelings of quiet humiliation. He needed food, clothes, and shelter for the night. One of those, at least, seemed to be in ready supply. Isaac made his way to a small seaside cave not far from where he washed ashore. 

A quick search of the cave revealed it to be uninhabited, though some of the rocks looked to be wet with something....slimy? It was hard to tell without a light. Deciding to pay it no mind, Isaac settled in and fell fast asleep. 

To be continued!



alex baker

bria looks buoyant


LOL, "a secret shame he would carry for the rest of his days"- that was some great turnaround to the greatest Beej of one's life. Also, floating boobs always look great. I hereby demand more swimming scenes in "TRW" to add to the floating boobies!

Klaus Ikra

XD Isaac is a fish fucker, and now he gets slime raped :V

Bob Fink

Can this guy get any luckier? Into the water and a beautiful and buxom mermaid who sucks and fucks him, damn lucky. XD