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I picked up River City Girls on Steam this weekend, and within the first 30 seconds I knew that Misako and Kyoko here were characters I had to draw. What can I say, the writing, voice acting, and presentation on this game won me over in a hurry. 

River City Girls is the latest entry/soft reboot of the long running Kunio-kun series, (the most famous entry to leave Japan is known to us as River City Ransom.) RCG is side scrolling beat 'em up in the same vein as Double Dragon, which was, no joke, created by the same guy who created Kunio. But if I had to compare RCG to another game, I'd call it more of a successor to the game adaptation of Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World for the PS3 released back in 2010. (An awesome game that you can no longer buy due to an expired license, which is part of why I perpetually wave my middle finger at the idea of an all-digital future when it comes to gaming.)  The style, humor, and presentation are similar, but I think RCG gets the win largely due to its lead characters.

Misako and Kyoko are two rad bitches, and I mean that in the most reverent possible sense. To my eyes, at least, the concept of the badass female lead has become a difficult one to pull off in modern video games. It seems like the default approach is to take a female character, basically write her to act like a man in every sense, and then call it a day. Look no further than how thoroughly they sucked all the fun out of Lara Croft over the last few years for an example.  If you ask me, when you throw all the femininity out the window, what was the point of your lead character being a woman in the first place? The River City Girls are characters that kick plenty of ass while wearing mini skirts and heart-shaped pink backpacks on a quest to save their boyfriends. That's a great balance of tough yet girly in my opinion.

But what do you think? Am I way off base? What are your favorite tough female characters? Let me know as always in the comments. :)  



Taylored Printers

Favorite tough female characters beyond lara croft.....hmmm Samus Aran, Cortana, Harley Quinn not that live action garbage though, Yang, Nora, and Coco from RWBY. I'm tempted to this game, buuuuut I just got back into total war games

Jariah Synn

Good stuff! Are you going to follow with the Amazon girl at start of the game??

Bob Fink

They look so hot in their satiated bliss and all covered in some lucky guys cum.


"Tough female characters" is a pretty easy requirement for a comic book nerd like me, lol: She-Hulk, Thundra (a huge misandrist- the perfect woman!), The Invisible Woman (tough AND a MILF!), Storm, Jean Grey (especially as Dark Phoenix), Black Canary, and more!

BG Osborn

Dude, this is awesome, though I must confess. I can not wait until you see the final two female bosses. Cause holy hell they may be fun to draw in your style.


This game is dope. Like, seriously. Its one of the games that restored my faith in the industry. As for this picture, while I'm super happy to see them get represented here, not such a big fan of them in your style, I think its the eyes, mainly. But thats just me. Sometimes mixing styles can pay off, other times not so much. I think its due to them being inspired by anime and such. But in terms of badass female characters, well, I'd say this. You don't have to take away the girl power, but you also don't have to shy away from more masculine traits. It depends on the concept you're going for. Take Brigitte and Zarya for example in Overwatch, I'd say they're both badass representations of women, with Zarya going off the deep end in masculinity, but Brigitte has a nice amount of it (the full practical armour on her default skin helps).


This one is, without a doubt, one of my favorite games from the last year, it's just awesome, i loved it, and the secret boss is a huge pain in thye ass. RCG it's just great, and i agree with you, it's kinda the succesor to the Scott Pilgrim videogame, I LOVE IT. Plus, in the game there are A LOT of hot chicks, like Noize and Sabuko, but there is this huge girl with white/ashen hair with muscles that it's just awesome. And well, i played with Misako but i like how badass she looks (and reminds me of Buttercup from PPG). https://www.gamecored.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/River-City-Girls_20190907233157-e1568152695675.jpg


I keep meaning to pick up RWBY again. Is that finished or is it still going?


She's a bit bulky for my tastes lol. Though I'd be less averse to drawing RCG's muscular take on Miriam from Double Dragon, she looked awesome. :)


I should have specified video game girls only lol. I'll agree that comic book writers have done a much better job with female characters than video games have overall. :D


Loved those two as antagonists, even if it was annoying to have to bust out a guide and find all those statues to unlock the fight. XD


I can't believe that's Miriam from Double Dragon, guess she got tired of getting kidnapped lol. My favorite shopkeeper was the pissed off blonde with the fishnet stockings. Don't know what she's from but I fell in love. XD


Right on. Come to think of it, it's in games with big casts that strong female characters seem to be done right the most often. It's just when they're the star characters that the writers seem to struggle.


DUDE, i forgot her, but yes, she's awesome! i don't know her name, but yeah. And i didn't know that the other shopkeeper was Miriam from Double Dragon O_O