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Here's what I'm working on today. Quiet here sure seems to be a popular lady on Hentai Foundry lately. I love Metal Gear but I hate prequels, so I skipped all the Big Boss games in the series. And boy is that ever biting me in the ass now. I think the new game looks amazing but I'd probably have no idea what the hell was going on in the story if I picked it up.




Without giving too much away, the plot is pretty separate from most of the previous Metal Gear games. You don't really have to play the old ones to understand the events of V, the game makes it pretty obvious in the prologue what is going on.


Good to know! Now all I have to do is avoid internet spoilers until i get a chance to play it.


I've played all metal gear solid games and also hate prequels, I was disappointed in this game, it's not bad but it's not what you're used to playing mgs games, it doesnt feel story driven, it feels like an grinding mmo, a lot of fetch quests and free roaming... it's alright. Again, I also can't stand the idea of prequels myself, specially in this game where you have WAY better tech on your missions than snake has in games set in the future... it's contradicting and frankly i couldn't give two rat's ass about "what happened before", my attitude is always to move forward and see what's next, i would have wanted to see what happened after mgs4, instead we get this lame ass fetch questing prequel...lol with "fantasy elements to boot! like a man made of fire or something... wth is that about??? mgs games were always somewhat realistic and yet we get flame men, flame whales in this game...? hideo just needs to retire already.


I suppose I'd have to play it for myself before i can weigh in, but i can say that I too would have liked to have seen what happened next after MGS4, especially because this will likely be the last game in the "solid" series.