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My thanks to Damani Jackson-Wright for the question barrage! :)

Abbey remains the "thirstiest" girl in the whole comic. And even after she loses her virginity I doubt that will change much. XD

Meanwhile let me know if you have any questions for Chloe or Raina! One of those two is up next. 




Great seeing my questions and great reactions XD I forgot I hadn’t changed my name yet


Sorry for the inconsistency then! I copy and paste the names with the questions at the time I got them.


I changed it after so your good


Forceful role play stuff? Does she mean like noncon anime role play, or like those "reality porn" videos with the guy making girls sleep with him for a job, or something?


Oh her blush is so classic. Question for. Chloe though, has she ever been with anyone other than Issac?

alex baker

Here is a question for raina , do you ever fantasize about your daughter.


Gavin. He’s mentioned in the game and Reinbach drew a picture of the two of them together.

Bob Fink

Morgan is a very naughty girl and I like it! :D So a question to Chloe, are she and Issac now fuck buddies? And for Raina when is she going to finally jump Issac's bones.


Question to Chloe: Whats the best wet dream she has ever had?


More like reality porn. Morgan would never want to see anyone get raped for real, she just gets off on porn movies where one partner is aggressively dominant over the other.


Yeah I figured the "role play" meant she wasn't watching anything real; I just wasn't sure what kind of stuff she was seeing- like fictionalized noncon or choking (which has dismayingly become REALLY common in porn these days). Her being into a "forceful" partner makes sense considering how Casey was her first time (though Casey was as much "direct" as anything).

Chris Davis

Questions for Raina: 1. "Did you divorce Chloe's Father and is he still in the picture at all?" 2. "What made you marry Issac's Father?" 3. "Finally, How big are your tits?" Thanks, as always!!

Chris Davis

Also, in the above strip, Which Reinbob is that? Opie Reinbob or Prince Harry Reinbob? Those are the only two Male Red-heads I can think of right now, LOL!


I call that one "Timebob," since he's dressed as chrono from chrono trigger. Its currently guarded by Chloe in the game, but since Liz brought it to the studio in the last strip she was in, its a cinch Isaac got his hands on it at some point. :D


Question for Raina, who's got the bigger tits, you or Sylvia?


Got 'em thanks! :)


Want to change it instead to something like "what is Chloe's sexual history?"


I can tell you right now that both of those will be answered in the game/comic in time. :D