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When the swirling magic settled, Isaac had been transformed into a small and helpless weasel! He tried to scream in horror, but he could only manage a high pitched weasel cry that brought out a wicked laugh from the witch Morgana. She tried to laugh, anyway. Her cackle was cut short by a coughing fit as she accidentally inhaled some cum. If the curses she was uttering between coughs were any indication, Isaac decided he had best be somewhere else when she regained her composure. 

Off into the woods he scampered, his mind racing over his current predicament. Thankfully, he seemed to have retained his human intelligence during the transformation. Though he did notice strange new inclinations like the desire to sleep during the day, and prey on smaller foraging animals at night. Once he'd put what he deemed a healthy distance between  himself and the witch, he climbed to the bough of a nearby tree and weighed his options. 

Isaac thought frantically back to his lessons from military academy. From what he remembered, witch's curses could be broken, but not by just anyone. In the kingdom of Castlewood, he knew of two places where such healing might be procured. 

One option would be to head south, to the Healing Church of Everlasting Motherly Guilt. The clerics there should be able to lift his curse with their holy magic. Another option was to venture further into this very forest, and seek the beastly Kath'ral Tribe. Known for their talents in the field of alchemy, it was very possible they could brew a potion that would return him to human form.

Luckily, Isaac knew the land about him well enough to find either destination without a map. For he had considered both the church and the tribe as stops worth making for his quest to begin with, as both locations were known for their gorgeous women.  

A distant, piercing howl shook Isaac from his contemplation, and the trees seemed to be closing in around him as he glanced nervously about.  He was rather plainly reminded that he was not the biggest animal in this forest by far. He needed to make up his mind, and fast.

Beautiful clerics or sexy beast women?  



Bob Fink

I say head for the church, you'll have more fun there by far. :D