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So Elianna does indeed cancel out Derek's bad luck. But only to a certain extent, it would seem. Looks like the word is out!  XD

As the comic has progressed, I've taken to using anime faces to simplify expressions for medium distance shots, and so far they've gone over well. Probably never so many on one page before though. I guess it's only fitting that the first page of TRW to be "mostly anime" stars Elianna. 

I hope you guys liked this scene. Next week we're headed to the trailer park. :)




Is it really cancelling his bad luck if he has to be stuck with her for it to happen though??

The Funny Hatter

I can imagine those two in the end having their own short adventures trying to find evidence of shipping people at the school into couples.

Squid Hills

Clearly his bad luck has chosen a new and exciting way to manifest.


What's Derek's least favorite Fleetwood Mac album? Rumors.

Bob Fink

Looks like he should keep Elianna around more often, I don't consider her as being stuck, she very sexy in her own way. :D


Last panel is my reaction to most of life


Ha, awesome! And by common law anime coincidence, they’re practically married.


I love this whole conceit! This is great. :)


Elianna is best girl! MORE!


Thanks! I was proud of how that panel turned out.


I personally find the idea that Elianna would be oblivious to real life anime tropes happening to her extremely funny. XD


i truly enjoy your artwork and story... even tho its not much please take my money ^^


Elianna is such a cutie, she's innocent but her personality is unbearable (I get thats the point). So I want to see her get ravaged but at the same time I don't. Maybe at least a peek at those jugs.


Also keep the simplified anime faces for Elianna, they work for her.


haha the last panel is so funny

Klaus Ikra

The slight panty shot for Elianna XD


Elianna's smirk in the second panel from the end is priceless!!