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Despite being a Nintendo fanboy, I'm unfamiliar with Pokemon as a series, but since I imagine there are fans among my supporters I figured it was past time I drew some characters from the games. So I asked my Discord server for some ladies from the latest entry that haven't gotten as much attention as the others to put head to head in a vote for next week's pin up! 

So who will it be? Thick blonde Melony or (aged up of course) goth loli Marnie? Up to you! 



dat thickness.

Senoj Nai

Bruh, you don't even know. There are SO MANY Pokémon waifus. It felt like gen 7 really cranked up the Horny On Main to 11, suddenly EVERYONE is hot and I cannot fucking deal. There are like half a dozen ladies from Sun/Moon you desperately need to draw, too.


Oh I believe you. On Discord we had to narrow it down to just Sword/Shield to keep the sheer number of suggestions from getting too overwhelming lol.


I never thought I'd see the day we get a thicc girl in Pokemon... I expect you to do her justice when you get around to drawing her with ye style.


I choose the beautiful, curvy MILF. And I will bribe you all to do the same! (ps, the only bribe I can offer is eternal friendship)


Melony is THICC!


Both are great options but I think i'll pick Melony since she just looks so thiccc. :3


Go thin, no one will expect it ;) Also I still need to commission you for a book cover :)