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Whether you're a fan of video games or not, if you enjoy smutty artwork (and who doesn't if they're being honest?) You've probably seen this character pop up more than once lately. Never one too good to pounce on the flavor of the week, I figured it was time I drew Mai Shiranui from the King of Fighters series for myself again. 

From what I understand, her newfound popularity stems from her rather conspicuous absence in the latest Smash Bros. game. There's a new DLC pack that features several KoF characters making a cameo, but Mai, arguably the poster girl for the series, is nowhere to be found. The reason given is that her outfit is literally too sexy for this game, and would bump Smash Bros up to a teen-rated product if she was included. But the way I see it, if sleazeball companies like Activision can shovel microtransactions into games that conveniently didn't have them when the reviews came out, Nintendo should be able to sneak in some post-launch titties, even if it does affect the initial age rating. It's only fair! XD



alex baker

i like how pale you made her


Thanks! The truth is I'm not awesome at making Asian girls actually LOOK Asian, but adding a tint of light yellow to their skin tone goes a long way in conveying the intended ethnicity.

Bob Fink

Now those are some massive titties! And she seems to enjoy her facial. :D


Hey, awesome! I like that there's some perceived thickness or meatiness to her bones, so she's not JUST top-heavy- Mai is a genuinely curvy ass-kicker! Having two versions is a neat big, too- I kinda like seeing what's UNDER the cum sometimes, as much as you draw some of the best spooge-streaks in the game :).


Super thicc and very busty, perfect! Sucks that she can't be allowed in Smash Bros game. I like your reason in the description with sneaking in some post-launch titties lol


Mmm Mai is such a thicc babe. Yeah they can have Samus in her Zero Suit, Bayonetta who Bec naked to do her hair attack, and Solid Snake with a skin tight suit. But no Mai is too sexual. Meh.


Maybe it's been too long since I've drawn a girl that was pissed off about it lol, but Mai strikes me as the type to enjoy it. XD


Thanks! I never liked posting the same artwork twice in a Patreon feed, but this multiple images per post feature circumvents that nicely.


I guess it doesn't matter how tight the costume is as long as it covers everything lol.

Squid Hills

I support post-launch titties, and I hope they become a regular feature of all games.


Apparently its because the game is PG or something and because you can pause and get panty shots by changing angles that it would increase the rating by CERO. And that is why they cant have Mai.