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Sir Isaac the Merely Adequate had been rejected by Princess Chloe. Despite his valiant efforts to argue that a lifetime of his love and devotion would be better than a cat, the princess was unmoved. He left the castle in heartbroken defeat. 

Though crestfallen, Sir Isaac was never one to stay down for long, and he renewed his quest to find a bride. But where to begin? The kingdom of Castlewood was vast and dangerous, and his search for love could end in disaster if he ventured forth without a plan. 

His first idea was to frequent a local tavern, and see if he could glean some information as to where he might find eligible maidens. He promptly drank too much mead and was trying not to throw up in his helmet when he overheard two men discussing something interesting: One told tales of an all-female academy of spell casters to the west, full of young and lusty witches in training, while the other told of a mysterious and beautiful she-creature of the forest, known for pleasuring handsome travelers with her body. 

Both sounded like prospects worth investigating, but which one should he choose? When Sir Isaac awoke face down in the alley outside the tavern the next morning, he picked himself up and began making preparations for his journey. 

He was going to find a bride, or die trying. 



Bob Fink

Interesting start and any woman willing to trade a life of love with a knight for a damn cat isn't worth the time.


She wasn’t wrong, since “a lifetime of love and devotion “ means “let me cum in your ass once then you’ll never see me again” in Knight-speak. I think he should go to the forest, then to Whorewarts

Bob Fink

Of that I have no doubt, but as you can tell I'm not a cat fan, at least not the 4 legged kind. ;D