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My thanks to Jeremy Joanes and A Guy for the questions!

With this strip it hit me that Parker's getting a lot of appearances so far, and I can't put my finger on exactly why she seems to fit so many scenarios for me. Maybe it's because her relative innocence contrasts nicely with her more sexually assertive peers? Couldn't say for sure, but so far the ones starring her have been some of my favorites. 

Meanwhile if you have any questions for Jane I'd love to hear them! Same goes for any other characters of course, but when I make a new model I'm excited to put them to use. XD



Jeremy Joanes

Lol it's weird to see my name in someones comic


Still waiting on my question for Sylvia, but I'll ask again! How did your "special" relationship happen with Casey? Clocks ticking, Rein! :p

Bob Fink

This was pretty cool, but I'm not getting the vibe that Parker thought the experiment was funny.


Question for Jane, what's the best prank she's ever pulled? Or at least her favorite prank that she's pulled?

Chris Davis

I think Paker is scary when she's angry! I want to know Jane's Bra size. A simple question and a crass one, I know, but it begs to be answered. She has quite the body, Tall and STACKED!


Question for Derek: have you always been unlucky or did it start at a certain age?

Klaus Ikra

I still say we need a Discord emoji set of just Parker. Her disgust / angry faces are adorable


Thanks! Got it down. :)


I'd have to go pretty far down the alphabet to guess some of these bra sizes lol. But I'm glad you like Jane's look. :)