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Hey gang I know I usually do the sketches on Mondays but I may be away from my desk tomorrow and I didn't want to risk missing an update. In any case, I'm happy to introduce Trish and Mary Carter, whose appearances were voted on and decided right here at Patreon. And it was actually a very close vote in both cases! The ponytails and the tall and toned body types just barely won. I'll do my best to keep future polls that interesting. :) Anyhow, on with the profile!

Names: Trish Diane and Mary Rachel Carter

Age: 18 (Trish is a few minutes older)

Birthday: October 21st

Likes: They have mostly similar interests, they are both skilled guitarists with a passion for all forms of music. They both love flowers, and they both have a dedication to physical strength. As far as they're concerned, the ugliest word in the English language is "weak." Trish tends to be a bit more bold and Mary tends to be a bit more shy, but even then it's hard to tell them apart unless you're really looking for it.

Dislikes: They hate the idea of being being victims in any sense of the word. They also dislike anything popular, mainstream, or accepted by many.

Secret Fantasy: They would both love to team up on someone together in a threesome, but they've never spoken of this out loud, even to each other.

Fun Fact: The girls are generally popular at school these days, but people do still think it's weird how they finish each others sentences all the time. Even for twins, sometimes these two seem to share a brain.

Trish and Mary had a rocky acclimation to Tecumseh High School. Their mother had recently passed away, they had moved to a new town and they simply weren't adjusting well. Socially, they were like a couple of walking bombs just waiting to be set off by one wrong word from some unfortunate peer. They skipped class, got in fights, and their grades were non existent. They were probably two of the most blatant delinquents in the history of the school.

So when little miss popular approached them like she was some kind of social worker and declared she was going to "fix" them, someone almost got their freckled little ass kicked. Abbey McKay was everything they couldn't stand, she was small, girly, adorable, and everyone seemed to like her. But despite Trish and Mary's brush offs (and occasional threats of violence) Abbey simply wouldn't leave them alone. Then one day Abbey got to talking to them about music, turned out she played the violin. They kept talking and somehow that little twerp ended up being their friend.

Things turned around for the twins after that. There was something about Abbey that just made you want to do what she said. She told them to do their homework and they did their homework. There was something about this new relationship that they liked, the feeling of structure maybe. It wasn't long before they were following her everywhere she went.

Years have passed, they are seniors now. And looking back they finally see how much Abbey did for them, and how much worse things could have gotten if they'd never met her. Their loyalty to her is complete and unwavering, as they truly feel like they owe her everything.

And then that white trash slutty blonde piece of shit punched her in the face when they weren't there to protect her. Abbey insists she has a plan for revenge in mind, and that's the only thing keeping these twins from putting Casey Holland in a full body cast.




I LIKE them. Not just for the bods but the back story is good too.


They both seem to have a very interesting background to them as well as a pretty hard life. I like their overall look and their dark blue hair goes great with their eyes and black lipstick. Does the one in front have a lighter completion to her sister? Wonder what it was about Abbey Mckay that got them so wrapped around her finger? Could be, they believe she was the only one that gave them a chance to be something more. Can't wait to read her file next. On a side note, their secret fantasy could match up well with Sylvia's fantasy.


Hey good point! That would match up with Sylvia. And now that I'm looking at it you're right about the complexion too. The thing is, the way I paint in Photoshop, it can cause problems for me if two interlocking bodies are the exact same color. So I made one darker than the other and quite frankly forgot to adjust it so they were exactly the same once I'd finished. Guess it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that Trish just got a little more sun that day lol. In any case I'm glad you like how they turned out. :) I was actually wondering if I even should do a profile for Abbey just yet, might want to keep her mysterious for now. Maybe I'll find another excuse to draw her without having to do a full profile.


I actually think the slight different complexion between the two fits their personalities. The one in front looks a little shy (Mary) so that could be why she is lighter compared to her sister who is more in your face and is in the back fondling her sisters breasts with that smirk on her face (Trish). From the neck up, they both remind me of Kiki and Viola DeWynter from Saints Row: The Third. I wouldn't mind keeping Abbey more of a mystery until we see her in the comic. She seems like she might be a bitter sweet kind of character.


Sounds good, the skin difference might be a nice subtle way for eagle eyed readers to tell them apart. I missed out on Saints Row I'm afraid, but these girls still have a game reference to them. Their names are grabbed from two girls from the Devil May Cry series.


i really like them can't wait to see them debut but it might be awhileXD i'm also digging the events that have taken place prior to where the story is presently especially hearing different characters perspective to what has taken place.


Glad you like it! I'm having fun writing up these little side stories to go along with the comic. :)