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Hestia here is from an anime laughably titled in English: "Is is Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" I understand it's called "DanMachi" in Japan, which is a thousand times better so I'll just call it that for the rest of this blog. 

As I've said in the past, I'm an anime fan but I rarely get hooked on anything new. But I just kept hearing about this character Hestia from the show, and how she was this ultimate waifu. Considering my entire livelihood depends on presenting sexy cartoon women, when I see one get this popular that means it's time to do some research as to how it happened. So I watched the first season of the show on Hulu last week.

First off, I think Hestia's design is pretty genius. You can't see it in my pic, but that dress is backless, making it look like a skin-tight virgin killer sweater. She's got quite a contrast in her physical design as well. Her big head, short stature, bare feet, and pigtails all scream "too young" but there's just one thing keeping her from skewing into loli territory: huge breasts for her body type. Breasts constantly being eye-catchingly shifted around by her infamous boob ribbon. A bit of completely impractical string tied between her forearms that exists entirely make dem titties dance every time she so much as moves her hands. Pretty brilliant, honestly. And the other girls on the show look good too. Oddly enough I think it's the clothes that sell the sex appeal here. The costumes cling tight and hang loose in just the right places, and I think all the designs, (especially the main villain's)  look great.  

So how is DanMachi aside from the visuals? Your mileage may vary. The kick ass English dub featuring my old favorites like Luci Christian and Hilary Haag boosted it significantly for me, even though I'm not normally a fan of modern fantasy anime. DanMachi isn't entirely free of what I consider the tired tropes of the genre, but I didn't find those tropes as distracting as I usually do. Maybe it's because protagonist Bell is just different enough from the usual male teen power fantasy character. He's a big crybaby for one. you can't even give this guy a pat on the back and say "good job" without him blubbering his eyes out. I don't know, flaws are a very important aspect of a character to me. And a skilled fighter with this wimpy emotional side is a bit of a fun twist in my opinion. 

Anyhow have you guys seen the show? I'd love to hear your thoughts, but do me a solid and keep the conversation on season 1 if you would. Also: any more famous waifus I should look into? Let me know! :)



alex baker

nice i like the mid shot scene


I don't know many famous ones but one character I'm super hooked on aesthetically right now is Maki Oze from Fire Force.

Senoj Nai

I'm trying to think of waifus you haven't drawn. Carmen Sandiego?

Bob Fink

She’s totally hot and those tits are amazing! :D


Yeah, from a visual perspective, the characters in DanMachi popped. I tried the series, but I got turned away because I honestly found Bell to be a bit TOO spineless. Like, I've seen a lot of lame fanservice protagonists who talk about how they want to kiss girls on the mouth but when a girl talks to him he just freaks out and runs. I found Bell to be outright infuriating because he was especially bad with that. Which made it even more infuriating for me when all the girls were getting all hot and bothered for this unsalted stick of butter.


Rias Grimory or Akeno Himejima from High School DxD and Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx are some top tier waifus. Oh and if you enjoy crybaby anime protagonists then you might like My Hero Academia. Midoriya cries all the time lol.


I've heard DanMachi is great, but to this day i haven't started. Still, i know "pretty well" Hestia, and i like your take here, she looks great! About the waifus... mmmm there is a recent anime called "Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?" that is not only really fun and ejoyable (witch a catchy song), but that it does have pretty girls. Aside from that, i'd also say Ranma XD


Darkness from KonoSuba


Nice! I've actually seen a little of that show, and I liked it. I'm holding out for a dub to watch the rest.


Can't go wrong with Ranma, I could dedicate a few months of pin ups t that show easily. XD


Oh I could totally see that. It's hard to say why it didn't bother me as much as it probably should have, but I'll easily admit he could have been better.


I did do one of her during my first year. But she may deserve a remade pic. Especially since that first one is may be the rapey-est pic I've ever drawn and probably shouldn't even be on this site with the new rules they have in place.


Thanks! I like the mid shots because they let me really focus on little details more.


I can just picture it now: Full body shot of her cumming hard. The twist is, nobody is jizzing on her or anything. She's just getting verbally eviscerated by Kazuma.


I was always partial to the three leading ladies from Canaan, Canaan, Alphard Al Sheya and Maria Ōsawa. Was a pretty good show, though I wish there was more. Sophia Velmer from Jormungand was a pretty sexy character too. Also nice seeing a gal with some muscle.


Certainly sounds cool. I need to start watching some new anime though it seems, I haven't heard of 90% of your guys's suggestions so far. XD