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Sorry to have to post this one twice, Patreon is having one of those weird glitch days where "edit post" means "destroy post and remove option to upload new image." Good times! 



Yuu Yi

That would be one heck of a night for Morgan, and she is adorable when flustered like this.


I’m kinda annoyed that Morgan interrupted that first answer. I wanted to hear more

Bob Fink

I'd love to see Morgan and Sylvia get together. XD

Lord Washington

Sylvia is looking more milfy than ever.


Well, to be fair... Sylvia would make me nervous too haha I like how she answered all those questions, it really shows more of her character... But now, i'm having this magnanimous need of seeing those two having sex... it's a ship i wouln't have imaginated.


Sylvia wasn't about to say anything you haven't seen in the side stories here. She was just going to say that they have an on again/off again relationship. She'd have likely left out that the "off again" is usually because she goes psycho and trashes his house.


Question for Trish: Would you be open to joining Mary in her “workout sessions” with Kathryn?


Also, question for Elianna: If you had to pick someone to have your first time with (either boy, girl or somewhere in between), whom would it be?