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As I alluded to last week, it isn't easy for me to spend a full page on what could simply be described as "argument escalates." But I felt it was necessary here. It's about to go down. XD




No, no, this is a vital page. Also, foreshadows what's going to come. Also, gotta say... In this case, no, I'm on Lydia's side. She gave this guy ONE simple request and he ignored it. He totally deserves whatever hell Lydia unleashes.


Good to hear! I was concerned that Lydia would come across unsympathetic in this scene so far.


Omg, a BUM shot! She’s got an adorable little rump. I just love it. Good to see. Nice work on her nose and expression, too.


Glad you like it! Ass shots remain a bit of a rare thing for me lol.


Oh snap!

alex baker

i love to see her dripping


She's got a gorgeous arse! I think she is totally warranted in her mood here too, I wonder if he'll make it to the door unscathed? Even if he does escape, I don't hold up much hope for him later when she decides what to do about him! Another great page BTW :-)


This guy needs a dislocated knee and an elbow to the throat. He literally did what she told him not to do, and one of those was basically “don’t hurt my vagina”. What an ass.


I do my best to present balanced characters in my stories. But it seems eventually the plot can call for someone just straight up being a dick lol.


Lydia's ass, AND breasts look fantastic here... perfect proportions all around. I just realized, on a purely gorgeousness scale, she's in my TRW Top 5 easily. Also, jock guy douchiness is through the roof. Whatever Lydia unleashes next is well warranted IMO.


Glad she has her fans! At Hentai Foundry this week I got a comment that was pretty much just "I don't like Lydia." It was so blunt and non-constructive I found it more funny than anything else, but all the same it's nice to hear she's on someone's list of favs.


A football player acting like an ass? Must be a day ending in 'y' She's entirely right to be pissed here.

Bob Fink

This guy is a prime example of all brawn no brain. Now the question is does she grab a handful of his balls or just knee him in the nutts. :D


This is case of them both having valid points. Though only one of them is a jackass.

frank barry

Sounds like she needs a woman's touch. She would be much happier with someone with a home-field advantage; someone who can easily satisfy her.


For what it's worth I do want to avoid the "asshole jock" stereotype when I can. I just needed one for this scene. XD


For sure! Though I may have to start grouping some characters together just to have enough art to qualify as a "compilation" on a given post lol.


All good :) Be nice if more actual jocks had that desire but meh, better in le porn than not at all :P


aw man i made a huge post about how much i liked this page, and all the detail that went in to it, but it got deleted! anyway, i'll say again that i really like these last few pages involving lydia. the character depth and the excellent use of facial expressions and layouts are really impactful in the storytelling. really great work!


Hey for what it's worth I read it and appreciated it before it ghosted (for whatever reason that still happens around here from time to time,) I just didn't get a chance to respond to it in time.


I wish there was a second page a week.


I pull it off whenever I can, but it might get easier as the comic's following grows and I network more. I may be able to hire someone to help me speed things up more consistently.

frank barry (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 11:13:14 Are Switch & male-Switch demons, like suckubus and fuckubus? What is male-Switch's name? Is there like a demon orgy dimension? Is this the chapter where we find out more?
2019-08-27 17:18:44 Are Switch & male-Switch demons, like suckubus and fuckubus? What is male-Switch's name? Is there like a demon orgy dimension? Is this the chapter where we find out more?

Are Switch & male-Switch demons, like suckubus and fuckubus? What is male-Switch's name? Is there like a demon orgy dimension? Is this the chapter where we find out more?