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Sorry for the redundant post here. Apparently I clicked the wrong damn thing while making edits and destroyed the ability to add an image to the original post. Lesson learned! 




I still didn't like Lydia's left hand. It was driving me nuts that you couldn't see it connected to her arm, making it look disembodied. So I ended up rotating her entire leg so you could see more of her arm.


Eventually you will require a dramtis personae page/ chart.


? The original post was ok. With both images. Trying to make it even better than that? :)


I do my best anyway! I try to never leave a page with a flaw that I'm aware of when I post it. Lord knows I find those enough when I look back on old pages months later. XD

frank barry

I get it that some women, sometimes, like to manhandled, but that doesn't look comfortable for her.


I guess that is how this page comes across. Not exactly what I was going for, I more wanted to imply that Lydia just can't go five minutes without being negative. I'll have to adjust the writing a bit in the next couple pages I think.