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As the name implies here's one of the first, if not THE first, drawing I ever did of my star character Casey Holland. I've come up with dozens of characters over the years, Casey's not only the newest but she was also created the fastest. As she's pretty much a combination of all the top traits I find sexy rolled into one. She's young, fiery, voluptuous, and a little crazy. (Okay in her case maybe more than a little crazy.) I wanted Casey to stand out next to other female leads in an erotic story, I also wanted to avoid having to use thought bubbles to show what she was thinking. And that's how the voice in her head, Switch, came to be. Originally Switch was a malevolent instigator, constantly telling her to do the wrong thing. But I wondered if that might make readers perceive Casey as less "crazy in a sexy way" and more "mentally ill in an unsexy way." So I reversed their roles. Now Casey is the impulsive wildcard and Switch is like her exasperated conscience, always trying to keep her from making a big mistake.



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