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Everybody knows Akira Toriyama was a big name in anime/manga. Even if you never watched an anime in your life, you've heard of Dragon Ball Z.  Though it wasn't until his passing last week that I realized the depth of HOW accomplished this man truly was. I don't know what your Twitter feed looked like over the weekend, but mine was transformed into an endless procession of mournful condolences and homages. To say Toriyama was simply an anime/manga icon is an understatement, it turns out. He was an art community legend on a global scale. 

So naturally over the weekend I couldn't help having Mr. Toriyama's legacy on my mind. I never really got into Dragon Ball, and the only Dragon Quest I ever finished was the original on the NES. So his blockbuster content may not have been for me, but Chrono Trigger sure as hell was. 

This isn't my first Chrono pic so I'll try not to repeat myself even more than I usually do around here. But Chrono Trigger is, to me, an objectively perfect game for what it was at the time of release. It had a huge impact on me, and I have to dust off my DS every couple of years or so to run through it again to this day. 

As for the pic here, this is Marle from the game. She's a crossbow-toting runaway princess and like every member of the main cast, she rules. I also included my Ayla from a few years back here if you missed it. 

Thanks for reading this whole thing. If you have anything to add, please let me know right here! 




Dope piece.. just need Luca and that covers the major Chrono Trigger girls!


Nice wet top! Those are a BITCH to draw or get right. Great breast size and shape, too- big without overpowering the figure. I'm liking her "accidentally sensuous" expression- like she's not going for sexy but accidentally makes kind of a Playmate face while talking, almost. And I hear you on Toriyama. I was a HUGE fan of DBZ in college, but got sick of it after only a year and sorta saw what the detractors were saying about it, lol. He definitely had a "type" for faces and turned those into anime icons- that and hair that looked like the Sydney Opera House! But anime & manga has a strict "Before Toriyama" and "After Toriyama" timeline- not many people could ever say they changed the game more- maybe 2-3 people, tops.


Thanks for noticing there! My characters are such hoes that accidentally sensuous isn't one that I get to draw often. XD