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Rendered out some bones in blender. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that at the horizon it looks like there are bones popping in. I think it's because of the adaptive render setting in blender (it kind of just renders based on how far the camera is from displacement). The sky is just a placeholder for now, will get a proper one when I complete the scene.

Luna is testing Maku to see if she has what it takes as a succubus. This scene is the last of 3 potential nsfw scenes that I'll be expanding. Going to pop up a vote for you to pick which NSFW scene I develop.

Tier 1:

NSFW Maku: https://yadi.sk/d/1VO4ZUC1nwvl_w

Sol surprised: https://yadi.sk/i/bh2SJ9RUFHI3_A



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