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Captain Valor managed to escape the two geeks' messy apartment but not their influence on him...
The two geeks, desperate to get their favorite superhero back, try all they can to repair the broken brainwashing device in their hands but they quickly understand that being villains is way harder than what It looks like in their comic books...

This version features :
- Fully translated version of the game with less typos and grammar errors.
- Better key crafting system.

- A lot of game breaking bug fixing.
- more ways to find the material to craft the keys.

- Ability to start the game to the V2 intro.

Link to the game:

Key if asked:




When starting from V2 there's no synthesis option in the menu. Is it intended? If yes how con we make a key for the park mission then?


Seems to be a major bug during park. Man who runs by abandoned car doesn't trigger :(


Other people have managed to finish the game. So you're probably doing something wrong. The car is on the bottom left on the map. If It doesn't work just try to load a save that is before going to the park.


when I downloaded this, it gave me a japanese one? Also will your pack games be available here?


The link has been changed to the right version. Try to redownload again. Pack games? You mean on itch? Games get removed here with time.


I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this issue, but the text doesn't seem to fully fit into the text box. I have partial and full words missing as they go off the screen to the right. I don't remember this happening with the initial release of version 2. Is it possible that correcting the typos and grammar errors might have messed up the text box spacing?


Hey Satyroom, I'm also experiencing some issue with the park quest. The thing is, the park quest is a bit disoriented. This is how I encountered the issue: After I started the quest and the first NPC I talked to was the guy running in the parking lot. I triggered a fight, then followed the instruction to then fight with the guy behind the trees and the duo across the river. After that, the instruction points out to "a guy climbing stairs", but I accidentally fought the one running by the fountain, and the text instruction after the fight says to find the guy running in the parking lot. I went back to the parking lot, but could not trigger the fight again, and I was stuck there and had to restart. I think that the dev should definitely incorporate some measures to help the quest battles proceed accordingly and prevent triggering a later battle prematurely.