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Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another exciting discussion update day, where we can make plans for the future content added to your favorite projects! We are about 1 month away from the start of our grand 7th Anniversary celebration! In today's discussion update, I would like to discuss the upcoming H race feature I am planning to build as one of the included new features! Any feedback that you would love to give on this new feature will help make sure that it will be a huge hit when it is released and will keep it enjoyable for years to come! Let's read on for all the details, please enjoy~! ^_^

The H race mode! An introduction

During one of our previous discussion updates where we were preparing for content to be added for the 7th Anniversary celebration and beyond, there was a special recommendation that we could allow for two girls to have an interactive competition with one another in the Red Light District in which they would have a set time to pleasure the most of their adoring fans as possible, with the loser of the competition being subject to being passed around and pleasuring the entire area as their "penalty" for losing! ^_^

H race mode specifics: How to win

Currently, the plan is to build this racing mode where you will initially be in charge of Team Miku! As Miku's direct controller, you will be responsible for helping her perform well while she pleasures the queue of her loyal fans so that her count of happily pleasured suitors is greater than the total amount of happily pleasured fans in the competition's queue! This mode also has upwards scalability in mind, where we can continue to add more and more Vocaloid girls to compete against, or even to control to help support them to win! In addition, I also plan to create difficulty stages in which the higher the difficulty, the greater the number of H content that the losing competitor has to perform! I will also build this with an optional reward setting of your choosing, that way if anyone would like to take it easy during the competition and would like the maximum amount of H content, they can. Or, if you are up for a challenge, you can set the difficulty high and match it with the best H content as a great reward~! ^_^

H race mode: The setting

The H race mode will be placed in the public town square at night in the Red Light District where the area is always full of lustful onlookers! When the event is held, the insatiable fans of each Vocaloid beauty will queue up for a chance to have their dreams come true with their respective beloved Vocaloid! The two competing Vocaloids will be at the end of each of their respective queues, tied and openly waiting to pleasure every last fan in line! I would also like to build this in a scalable format as well, where initially each Vocaloid competitor will be a free use target for their fans to walk up and use at will, their arms bound and their mouths waiting to swallow every last drop, and in the future also include other methods of pleasuring their fanbases!

H race mode: The details

Ah! Here comes the best part! In this part, I would love to hear from everyone about what they would love to see for the specifics for the initial release or even subsequent future releases/add-ons!

Here are some of the finer details for the event setup:

  • The overall interface of the Red Light District will be updated to have a tabular format similar to other areas like the ones in your lair
  • The user interface will have a countdown timer that will keep tabs on how much time is left before the final count is tallied
  • The number of pleasured suitors will be kept in a score counter for each competing girl to keep track of their progress during the event
  • While a Vocaloid is pleasuring her current male counterpart, a progress bar will fill up based on how close they are to finishing. When the bar is completely filled, they will finish and then the next in line will step up and take their turn next
  • In later versions, I plan to also have unlockable stat boosting accessories that you may add to your Vocaloid girls that will increase the rate in which they pleasure their fans, like body writing, vibrating toys, different kinds of restraints, etc.

Here are some questions that I would love your feedback on:

  • Using the mouse or keyboard, how would you like to control the pace of your selected Vocaloid character? Would you prefer to see a speed slider on screen for how intense they please their male counterparts? Would you like to have some kind of options for gaining the lead over the competition?
  • What kind of bondage options would you love to see during these scenes?
  • Which character would you like to see Miku compete against for the initial release of this mode? (So far, the most requested is either Luka, Haku, or Rin; this will also be someone you will see a lot of when they lose and have to pleasure      everyone~!)
  • Should there be any prize for the winner?
  • What kind of scenes would you like to see for the penalty round where the losing Vocaloid competitor is passed around to everyone?
  • Is there anything else that you would love to add that would make this even more enjoyable?

As always, thank you very much for your support! We are about 1 month away from the start of our 7th Anniversary celebration! If there is anything you would love to see added to your favorite projects, please be free to recommend it to me in the comments section below, or also please be free to send me a message any time! It is always a pleasure to create even more for everyone to enjoy! See you next update~! ^_^


お気に入りのプロジェクトに追加される将来のコンテンツの計画を立てることができる、また別のエキサイティングなディスカッション更新日へようこそ! 7周年記念イベント開始まであと約1ヶ月!今日のディスカッションの更新では、含まれる新機能の 1 つとして構築する予定の H レース機能について話したいと思います!この新機能についてぜひフィードバックをお寄せください。リリースされたときに大ヒットし、今後何年も楽しめるようになります。続きを読んで、楽しんでくださいね~! ^_^


7周年記念とそれ以降に追加されるコンテンツの準備をしていた以前のディスカッションの更新の1つで、2人の女の子が赤線地区で互いにインタラクティブな競争を行うことを許可できるという特別な推奨事項がありました.彼らは、愛するファンのほとんどを可能な限り喜ばせるために設定された時間を持ち、競争の敗者は、負けに対する「罰則」として回され、エリア全体を楽しませることになります! ^_^


現在、あなたが最初にチームミクを担当するこのレースモードを構築する予定です!ミクの直接の管理者として、ミクが忠実なファンの列を喜ばせている間、ミクがうまくパフォーマンスを発揮できるように支援する責任があります。このモードは拡張性も念頭に置いており、ボーカロイドの女の子をどんどん追加して対戦したり、コントロールして勝利をサポートしたりできます!また、難易度が高いほど負けた相手のH数が増える難易度ステージも予定!また、任意の報酬設定で構築しますので、競争中にリラックスしたい、H コンテンツの最大量が必要な場合は、そうすることができます。または、挑戦したい場合は、難易度を高く設定して、最高のHコンテンツと一致させると、素晴らしい報酬が得られます~! ^_^


Hレースモードは、夜の公共広場に配置され、常に色欲に満ちた見物人で賑わう歓楽街です!イベントが開催されると、ボーカロイド美女の飽くなきファンが、それぞれの愛するボーカロイドと夢をかなえるチャンスを求めて列を作ります! 2 つの競合するボーカロイドは、それぞれのキューの最後に並んでおり、並んでいる最後のすべてのファンを楽しませるために公然と待っています!また、これをスケーラブルな形式で構築したいとも考えています。最初は、ボーカロイドの各競技者が自由に使用できるターゲットになり、ファンが歩き回って自由に使用し、腕を縛られ、口が最後の一滴を飲み込むのを待ちます。将来的には、ファンベースを喜ばせる他の方法も含めます!




  • 歓楽街の全体的なインターフェースは、あなたの隠れ家のような他のエリアと同様の表形式になるように更新されます
  • ユーザー インターフェイスにはカウントダウン タイマーがあり、最終カウントが集計されるまでの残り時間を把握できます
  • 喜んでいる求婚者の数は、イベント中の進行状況を追跡するために、各競合する女の子のスコア カウンターに保持されます
  • ボーカロイドが現在の男性相手を喜ばせている間、プログレス バーは終了にどれだけ近づいているかに基づいていっぱいになります。バーが完全に満たされると、彼らは終了し、次に並んでいる人がステップアップして次の番になります
  • 後のバージョンでは、ボディ ライティング、振動するおもちゃ、さまざまな種類の拘束など、ボーカロイドの女の子がファンを喜ばせる率を高める、アンロック可能なステータス ブースト アクセサリも用意する予定です。


  • マウスまたはキーボードを使用して、選択したボーカロイド キャラクターのペースをどのように制御しますか?男性の対応者をどれだけ激しく喜ばせるかについて、画面に速度スライダーを見たいですか?競争で優位に立つための何らかのオプションが必要ですか?
  • これらのシーンで、どのようなボンデージ オプションを見たいですか?
  • このモードの最初のリリースで、ミクと対戦してほしいキャラクターは? (今のところ一番リクエストが多いのはルカ、ハク、リンです。これも負けた時によく見かけるキャラで、みんなを楽しませないといけないですね~!)
  • 勝者には賞品が必要ですか?
  • 負けたボカロ選手がみんなに回されるペナルティーラウンドはどんなシーンが見たいですか?
  • これをさらに楽しくするために追加したいものは他にありますか?

いつも応援ありがとうございます! 7周年記念イベント開始まであと約1ヶ月!お気に入りのプロジェクトに追加してほしいものがあれば、下のコメント セクションで自由に推薦してください。また、いつでも自由にメッセージを送ってください。みんなが楽しめるように、さらに多くのものを作成することは常に喜びです!それではまた次回の更新〜! ^_^

여러분, 안녕하세요!

여러분이 좋아하는 프로젝트에 추가할 향후 콘텐츠에 대한 계획을 세울 수 있는 또 다른 흥미진진한 토론 업데이트 날짜에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다! 7주년 기념행사가 시작되는 약 한 달 앞으로 다가왔습니다! 오늘의 토론 업데이트에서는 포함된 새로운 기능 중 하나로 구축할 예정인 다가오는 H 레이스 기능에 대해 논의하고 싶습니다! 이 새로운 기능에 대해 제공하고 싶은 모든 피드백은 이 기능이 출시될 때 엄청난 성공을 거두고 앞으로 몇 년 동안 계속 즐길 수 있도록 하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다! 자세한 내용은 모두 읽어보시고 즐겨주세요~! ^_^

H 레이스 모드! 소개

7주년 기념 행사 및 그 이후에 추가될 콘텐츠를 준비하는 이전 토론 업데이트 중 하나에서 두 소녀가 홍등가에서 서로 대화식 경쟁을 할 수 있도록 허용할 수 있다는 특별한 권장 사항이 있었습니다. 그들은 가능한 한 대부분의 열렬한 팬을 기쁘게 하기 위해 정해진 시간을 가질 것입니다. 경쟁에서 지는 사람은 이리저리 돌아다니고 지는 것에 대한 "벌칙"으로 전체 지역을 즐겁게 하는 것입니다! ^_^

H 레이스 모드 세부 사항: 승리 방법

현재 계획은 처음에 팀 미쿠 를 담당하게 될 이 레이싱 모드를 구축하는 것입니다! 미쿠 의 직접 컨트롤러로서 당신은 미쿠 가 열성적인 팬의 대기열을 즐기는 동안 그녀가 잘 수행할 수 있도록 도와야 할 책임이 있습니다. 따라서 그녀의 행복한 구혼자의 수가 경쟁 대기열의 행복한 기쁨을 누리는 전체 팬의 수보다 많도록 해야 합니다! 이 모드는 또한 더 많은 보컬로이드 소녀를 계속 추가하여 경쟁하거나 승리를 지원하기 위해 제어할 수 있는 상향 확장성을 염두에 두고 있습니다! 또한, 난이도가 높을수록 지는 경쟁자가 수행해야 하는 H컨텐츠가 많아지는 난이도 스테이지도 만들 예정입니다! 나는 또한 당신이 선택한 선택적인 보상 설정으로 이것을 만들 것입니다. 그런 식으로 누군가가 경쟁 중에 쉬기를 원하고 최대 양의 H 콘텐츠를 원하는 경우 그렇게 할 수 있습니다. 아니면 도전을 했다면 난이도를 높게 설정하고 최고의 H컨텐츠와 매칭하면 푸짐한 보상을 받을 수 있어요~! ^_^

H 레이스 모드: 설정

H 레이스 모드는 밤이 되면 항상 탐욕스러운 구경꾼들로 가득한 홍등가의 공공 광장에 배치됩니다! 이벤트가 열리면 각 보컬로이드 미녀의 탐욕스러운 팬들은 각자의 사랑받는 보컬로이드 와 함께 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 기회를 얻기 위해 줄을 서게 됩니다! 경쟁하는 두 보컬로이드는 각각의 대기열 끝에 있으며, 줄을 서 있는 마지막 팬을 모두 즐겁게 하기 위해 공개적으로 기다리고 있습니다! 나는 또한 이것을 확장 가능한 형식으로 만들고 싶습니다. 처음에는 각 보컬로이드 경쟁자가 팬이 걸어가서 마음대로 사용하고, 팔을 묶고, 마지막 한 방울을 삼키기를 기다리는 입으로 무료 사용 대상이 될 것입니다. 미래에는 팬층을 즐겁게 하는 다른 방법도 포함됩니다!

H 레이스 모드: 세부 정보

아! 여기에 가장 좋은 부분이 있습니다! 이 부분에서는 초기 릴리스 또는 후속 릴리스/추가 기능에 대한 세부 사항을 보고 싶어하는 모든 사람의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다!

다음은 이벤트 설정에 대한 세부 정보입니다:

  • 홍등가의 전체 인터페이스는 은신처에 있는 것과 같은 다른 영역과 유사한 표 형식으로 업데이트됩니다.
  • 사용자 인터페이스에는 최종 카운트가 집계되기까지 남은 시간에 대한 탭을 유지하는 카운트다운 타이머가 있습니다.
  • 이벤트 기간 동안 진행 상황을 추적하기 위해 각 경쟁 소녀의 점수 카운터에 쾌락 구혼자의 수를 보관합니다.
  • 보컬로이드 가 현재 남성 상대를 기쁘게 하는 동안 진행률 표시줄은 완료에 얼마나 가까운지에 따라 채워집니다. 막대가 완전히 채워지면 완료하고 다음 줄에 서서 다음 차례를 진행합니다.
  • 이후 버전에서는 보컬로이드 소녀에게 추가할 수 있는 잠금 해제 가능한 능력치 부스팅 액세서리도 가질 계획입니다. 이 액세서리는 바디 라이팅, 진동 장난감, 다양한 종류의 구속 등과 같이 팬을 기쁘게 하는 속도를 높일 것입니다.

다음은 귀하의 피드백을 원하는 몇 가지 질문입니다:

  • 마우스 또는 키보드를 사용하여 선택한 보컬로이드 캐릭터의 속도를 어떻게 제어하고 싶습니까? 얼마나 강렬하게 남성을 기쁘게 하는지 화면에서 속도 슬라이더를 보고 싶습니까? 경쟁에서 우위를 점하기 위해 어떤 종류의 옵션을 원하십니까?
  • 이 장면에서 어떤 종류의 속박 옵션을 보고 싶습니까?
  • 이 모드의 초기 출시를 위해 미쿠 가 어떤 캐릭터와 경쟁하는 것을 보고 싶습니까? (지금까지 가장 많이 요청받은 건 루카, 하쿠, 린인데, 이 역시 패배했을 때 많이 볼 수 있고 모두를 즐겁게 해주어야 하는 인물이 될 것입니다~!)
  • 승자에게 상이 있어야 합니까?
  • 패한 보컬로이드를 모두에게 넘기는 승부차기에서 어떤 장면을 보고 싶나요?
  • 이것을 더 즐겁게 만들기 위해 추가하고 싶은 것이 있습니까?

항상 그렇듯이, 지원해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! 7주년 기념 행사가 시작되기 약 한 달 앞으로 다가왔습니다! 좋아하는 프로젝트에 추가되었으면 하는 것이 있으면 아래 댓글 섹션에서 자유롭게 추천하거나 언제든지 메시지를 보내주세요! 모두가 즐길 수 있는 더 많은 것을 만드는 것은 언제나 즐거운 일입니다! 다음 업데이트에서 만나요~! ^_^


欢迎回到另一个激动人心的讨论更新日,我们可以为将来添加到您喜欢的项目中的内容制定计划!距离我们盛大的 7 周年庆典开始还有大约 1 个月的时间!在今天的讨论更新中,我想讨论即将推出的 H 种族功能,我计划将其作为包含的新功能之一来构建!您愿意就此新功能提供的任何反馈都将有助于确保它在发布时会大获成功,并将在未来几年保持其乐趣!让我们继续阅读所有细节,请享受~! ^_^


在我们之前的一次讨论更新中,我们正在准备为 7 周年庆典及以后添加内容,有一个特别建议,我们可以允许两个女孩在红灯区进行互动比赛他们将有一个固定的时间来尽可能地取悦他们最崇拜的粉丝,而比赛的失败者将被传递并取悦整个区域作为他们输掉的“惩罚”! ^_^


目前,计划是建立这种赛车模式,您将在其中最初负责 Miku 团队!作为 Miku 的直接控制者,您将负责帮助她表现出色,同时让她在忠实粉丝的队列中获得快乐,让她的快乐追求者数量超过比赛队列中快乐粉丝的总数!这种模式还考虑到了向上的可扩展性,我们可以继续添加越来越多的 Vocaloid 女孩来对抗,甚至控制以帮助支持她们获胜!此外,我还计划创建难度阶段,其中难度越高,失败的竞争对手必须执行的H内容数量越多!我还将使用您选择的可选奖励设置来构建它,这样如果有人想在比赛中轻松一点,并且想要最大量的 H 内容,他们可以。或者,如果你想挑战,你可以把难度调高,配上最好的H内容作为奖励~! ^_^


H种族模式将在晚上的红灯区公共城镇广场放置,该地区总是充满淫荡的围观者!活动举办时,各位Vocaloid美女的贪得无厌的粉丝们将排队等待机会与各自心爱的Vocaloid实现梦想!两个竞争的 Vocaloid 将在各自队列的末尾,并列并公开等待,以取悦排队的最后一位粉丝!我也想以可扩展的格式构建它,最初每个 Vocaloid 参赛者都将成为免费使用目标,让他们的粉丝随意走上去使用,他们的手臂被束缚,嘴巴等待吞下每一滴水,并且未来还包括其他取悦粉丝的方法!




  • 红灯区的整体界面将更新为类似于您巢穴中的其他区域的表格格式
  • 用户界面将有一个倒数计时器,它将密切关注在计算最终计数之前还剩多少时间
  • 高兴的求婚者的数量将保存在一个计分器中,以便每位参赛女孩在活动期间跟踪她们的进度
  • 当 Vocaloid 正在取悦她当前的男性对手时,进度条会根据他们离完成的距离而填满。当酒吧完全填满时,他们将完成,然后下一个排队的人会站出来,轮到他们下一个
  • 在以后的版本中,我还计划为你的 Vocaloid 女孩添加可解锁的属性提升配件,以提高她们取悦粉丝的速度,如身体书写、振动玩具、各种约束等。


  • 使用鼠标或键盘,您想如何控制所选 Vocaloid 角色的节奏?您是否希望在屏幕上看到速度滑块,以了解他们取悦男性同行的热情程度?你想有一些选择来在竞争中获得领先吗?
  • 在这些场景中,您希望看到什么样的束缚选择?
  • 您希望看到 Miku 与哪个角色竞争此模式的初始版本? (到目前为止,最需要的是Luka,Haku或Rin;这也是他们输球时你会看到很多并且必须让大家开心的人〜!)
  • 获胜者应该有任何奖品吗?
  • 你希望看到失败的Vocaloid选手被传递给大家的点球赛是什么样的场景?
  • 还有什么你想添加的东西可以让这变得更加愉快吗?

一如既往,非常感谢您的支持!距离七周年庆典的开始还有大约 1 个月的时间!如果您希望看到添加到您最喜欢的项目中的任何内容,请随时在下面的评论部分中向我推荐,或者随时给我发送消息!为每个人创造更多享受总是一种乐趣!下次更新见~! ^_^

- Stratovarius




Well since the losing side gets passed around I think it'll be pretty normal for the H scenes to mainly revolve around gangbanging. Bondage in itself has a lot of options to play around with but if the girls get suspended in some sort of way either by rope or being carried by the guys, it'll enhance the feeling of helplessness and powerlessness the girls have. Fits the theme a lot of you ask me.


What about adding some skull lord for the loser, maybe multiple skull lords??


I'd prefer to keep using the mouse to move the camera around so the keyboard would be better to interact in these scenes for me. For the bondage it's definitely not my thing, to the point I can't enjoy some scenes even though they involve a girl I like. If anything I'd love to have at least some scenes without any of those bondage stuff including the punishment : I mean I know it fits the theme but cmon, can we make it so people who aren't into bondage can enjoy it as well somehow? On that note if we could have some sort of filter to choose with or without bondage this would be awesome. As for the challengers IA, Haku or Yukari would be nice. For the punishment adding non-humans with giants D like orcs would be nice for a change ; 3P & more. No idea for the prizes but maybe some sort of currency to use in a shop for the items that can help in pleasuring faster?


can i have link?


Thank you very much~! It would be good for options for bondag (it will be much later for development due to complexity)/non. Currency for spending for shop items for enhancements, this is very good idea~! \^o^/


I would also prefer mouse controls. A Slider bar or something else, would be nice for pace control. For Bondage options I think: Breast bondage, Full body bondage (bondage harness) with either Arms free or behind the back would be nice. we can also think about some classical chains or spreader bar or a breast press if it makes sense in the scene. For challengers you already have the best pick discribed. A currency as reward is an interesting Idea. Maybe some golden dildoshaped coins. A currency makes sense for other parts of the game too, like miku doll stage. As punishment, forced to pleasure the spectators crowd is a fine choice. 3+P and Orks are fine. And as finish the looser left behind ,spreadeaged on a double dildo machine overflown by the white Stuff of the crowd. : ) or simply whipped by tentacles


+1 for suspension bondage, that would be a good scene to see!!


For future selection of the 2 competitiors on the H race mode, I would suggest to have all the contestants restrained inside a wooden frame with the legs completely spread with some dildos on her pussy, anus and mouth kind of impaled to keep them from falling of the wooden frame, also the hands in their backs restrained with monoglove bondage, something like a vacuum bed but without the plastic, to have a 1:1 display of all the girls, maybe to be a spinning display? :P Also I noticed that we discussed what happens to the losing side, but the winner? She gets to go around also punishing the loser as well? It seems this contest has a lot of future, in future updates we are going to have a contest kind of a bracket round elimination? If so would be cool to see all the losing girls to be thrown in a pool of white stuff and tentacles after the contest


Thank you very much~! It is my hope for most things created to have future expansion abilities, this way we can always add more layers if we want~! ^_^


If its not to late I would prefer the following: 1. I prefer mouse control 2. I would like bound arms behind the back. Blindfolded Girls. Maybe a shame collar like Rin wears one in the Red Destrict. 3. As I like Rin the most (after Miku) I would like her to be the first. 4. A price for the winner could be, to be licked by the looser. 5. As penalty I prefer heavy spitroasts and coming on the loosers body, so the looser is covered in sperm. 6. At the end the looser (still covered in sperm) could be bound upside down to an crossbar (for several hours ) to be teased and used by everyone who missed the competition.